1 : New Book Of Life

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As a god who has live for over a thousands years, he had seen plenty of things so for this to take him by surprise truly amazed him. After all as someone who's THE God of Destruction, being hated by the whole Multiverse is an everyday occurrence. Error had decided to end his life by jumping into an endless void at the OuterTale. Being an immortal he had hope to actually trap in there for eternity, yet here he is laying down at a grassy field in the middle of nowhere. To say he was surprised was an understatement.

'What the fuck is happening? Is this another one of Ink's plans again?" asked the skeleton to himself while he's looking around to search for traps or ambush. This certainly not his first time to end up in Ink's plan. When he didn't found any of it, he tried to opened the codes for this AU. Taking out his red glasses, he begun to read. Again he's being caught off guard by the fact that the place that usually contained the AU name is blank space. "This thing have went beyond my mind. There's no fucking way that squid didn't gave this one a name, he's usually gave his creation a name even if I'm going to destroyed it" Error mumbles to himself.

As he further read the information of this AU- no this Multiverse, realization hit him. 'Did I just travel through Multiverse..., as crazy as it may sound that's the only conclusion that I could have. First let's search for a more secluded place' it didn't took him a long time to found a big and shady tree. As he was standing up he notice the difference of his physique. To be exact his body shrink to that of 14 years old. 'Did- did I just became smaller... for FUCK sake, this not important right now' After make sure that nobody are around, he continued to read the code.

'So this Multiverse located at the surfaced. Most of the counterparts are in this place they called school. So there's no magic here... It's seems that this place also have Error, might as well rename myself to avoid confusion and misunderstanding later.' Error looked at the sky as if searching for an answer there. 'Since I fell down from the void might as well call myself that' without thinking much he edit the Multiverse codes to fit himself in it. 'Now that's done let's search a place to stay.., it can't be that hard' Error currently Void walk away from the field. This is the beginning of Void's new book of life.



As he was walking, he finally found the exit for the place. 'So this is a park, huh..?' he continue his journey to search for a place to stay. While walking through the city he also stop by to some place that called supermarket to bought a box of chocolate. 'So I still have access to my belongings it seem.' continuing his search, he realize that it's not going as well as he think. "How is this so hard" he grumble under his breath.

After a few days with no luck, he had been sleeping on the alleyways. 'Good thing I still have my chocolates.' when he was about to continue his nap, he heard a voice that calling somebody but pay no attention to it yet the voice kept getting louder and louder. "H-... He-.. Hey kid" startle by the loud noise he opened his eye sockets. "H-huh? Are talking to me?" he paled... the worst thing that could happened for Void happened, the stranger that's talking to him is his counterpart, Error.

"Hey kid where are your parents? They didn't leave you here right..? Error asked with worried attach to his voice. 'You can do this Error- no Void just like your profile.' "My parents died when I was 4. I- I've been staying here after running away from my aunt's house. She not the nicest person.." Void utter out with a slight of fear and sadness in his voice. And just with that Error fell for the lies. "O-oh.. then would you like to stay with me and my kids for a while before we can find you a place to stay?" without thinking long Void accept the offer.

" Come on kid , follow me" Void hesitantly followed the bigger skeleton.

It only took a solid 10 minutes for them to arrived at his counterpart house. An apartment with 3 floors. Each floors have two house. Error lives on the second floor. As they arrive in front of the front door Error toke out a key and opened the door. "Come in kid." The inner side of the house are huge and had a cozy feeling to it. There are two skeleton's that sitting at the living room while watching the television. One seems to be around 17 years old and the other 16 years old. As Error and Void enter, the two skeletons had shift their attention from the television to them.

"Welcome back dad, who's that beside you?' the bigger of the two asked. "I'm home and to answer your question PJ he's going to live with us for a while." PJ and Gradient stares at two in shocked. "I found him on the alleyways on my way back, it seems that he had sleep there for a quite while. So I'm bringing him here to stay with us before ha can found a place to crash." With that said the two immediately understand their father intention. As such will welcome him with an open arms.

Error turn to face Void and said " Great. I'm Error you can call me by my name or anything else. The one that's wearing a t shirt is Paper Jam or PJ for short and the other one that's wearing hoodie is Gradient. Why don't you introduce yourself, little fella?" As their father calls out their names both of them exchange a simple greeting with Void. "I'm Void. Thank you for letting me stay here for a while" Both of the brothers are quite excited as they always hoping for a younger brother after years of begging their father, they finally have a chance to spoil someone.

" PJ shows Void to the extra rooms, no talks back." "Fine." he grumble under his breath but inside he's quite over the moon.

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