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"Y/N!" a voice yelled, jolting me back to my senses. I whirled around to see Kiri and Spider struggling blindly in the water.

"Bro!" Spider yelled as Lo'ak waved. We surpassed a raging wall of flames to rescue them. Kiri treaded water while speaking fast.

"Mom and Dad are down there. In the ship!" she exclaimed to her brother. Neteyam let out a frustrated hiss.

"Grab on!" I ordered, and the two mounted P'lei's fin.

"Tuk is down there, too." Kiri whispered to me with wide eyes. She was still speaking breathlessly and gasping for air every few seconds. "I— we saw her. She got sucked into the ship. Mom went after her."

I put one hand on her shoulder in concern. She was clearly terrified. "Breath, Kiri, breath. Everything will be alright. We'll find them."

"I'm going to go back for help," shouted Tsireya. She made a series of clicking sounds, and an Ilu swam below the ring of fire. She dived into the water. I watched them make their way into the distance.

My Tulkun rumbled urgently. Sister, do you know where Pay-yay is?

My initial feeling was alarm— I thought you knew!

"Okay, let's go! Hurry up!" Neteyam called to the navigating Tulkun, cutting our conversation short. P'lei visibly rolled her (four) eyes.

Could be a little nicer to me, buddy. It's not that hard. It's been a long day, she grumbled irritably, but obeyed nonetheless. We all inhaled deep and collectively before she plummeting back into the vast sea. Spider used his flashlight to help light the way.

P'lei took us down to a large open portion of the ship, where we dispersed. Lo'ak, Neteyam, and Spider all vanished into an entrance of the once-functioning aircraft. Kiri and I each grasped one of those jelly-like creatures for a supply of air. It glowed a faint pink and fluttered on my back like little underwater wings. I hissed in frustration knowing that none of the boys grabbed one before disappearing. They were going to drown, with the mental capacities they had!

Suddenly, I caught sight of Kiri's expression, and my annoyance gave away into concern.

Are you ok? I signed to her. She gave me a thumbs up before signing back,

My throat nearly got slit and we all almost drowned, but you know besides that, an average day. Oh, and Mom held a knife to Spider's neck. Like I said, typical. Mom always wants to kill Spider.

It took me a second to comprehend her words, but once I did, they didn't make any more sense than before.

Riiight. Totally. Um, Kiri... I saw Grace, I confessed, knowing my best friend deserved to know that I had a conversation with her (very much dead) mother. Kiri's eyes widened, and bubbles escaped her mouth as she tried to find words.

How? She's with Eywa I know that's kind of your thing, but how? Did she just appear?

Oh, I kind of died, and started hallucinating. It's nothing important though.

You didn't mention that!

Like you said, an average day!

But you DIED? That doesn't happen on an average day!

Kinda does! Also, neither does almost getting your throat slit! I don't know how any of this works! Grace said it wasn't my time to join Eywa and that my people needed me. That my family needed me. She told me to protect you!

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