The first time

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She stood there naked, I couldn't believe my eyes. I stood there shocked as like I was watching Hitler be brought back to life. She crawled over near me and places her hand on my dick. I couldn't believe it is it finally the day I loose it I have no idea how to act. Should I go fast slow I don't know. She pins herself against the pillow and tells me to come closer she spreads her legs, I stand there in horror it looks like my nans pork she cooked last Sunday for the roast, whys it so flappy? I place my fingers on there it felt slimey like she's just finished from her first session. I rub her clit in a circular motion trying to remember what I've seen on porn hub. Then slip it's gone in to the dragons den it fills like the Atlantic Ocean I pull out but the water comes spiffing out in to my mouth. I can't believe it. I try to rinse my mouth again and again it has the after taste of a sour lemon sherbet. God I need thearpy

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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