the main ones ??

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She woke up . Knowing what to do , she grabbed the bright red flashing gun out of her pockets and shot him , quickly .
Without remorse .
Blood bursts out everywhere.
Her red lightly plaid skirt gets drenched in it , so does her white loose school blouse  , she flicks her platinum blonde hair which is half up half down.
She walks over on the concrete , her school shoes clamping and splashing as she walks further and further through the puddles of crimson .

She walks , knowing damn well he felt every detail of that boiling blood shot.
She looks up to see a distant wall throughout the garage layout .
Obviously she does what anyone would , and pulls out her phone .
"Heyy , I'm at garage world " she calmly talks into her phone , not unhinged , not guilty that she just shot that bastard right in the head.
Out the shadows , walks out another girl , slightly smaller than her .
The girl has a lilac , lightly plaid skirt with a fitted white school blouse , and long brown pig tails .
"Lorelai! I was just about to send you this ".

"Katarina ?!?!" The pigtail girl , 'Lorelai' says , " I couldn't just forget about you , did you find her ?" Questions Lai
"No , shit not yet , I've literally been in this shit hole of a world for a week now , and yet ... That girl keeps appearing in my visions ...." Katarina frustratedly blurs .
Lorelai walks over and kneels down next to kat , " but you killed this bastard huh?" She chuckles to herself .
"You know , convergence is coming soon , what if we get split up again , like in Icemill?!?" Kat exclaims with a hint of guilt in her voice .

Katarina, noticing her outfit , looks curiously at her lower half , " when and where did you have the time to wash your skirt from the blood but still have rips in your combat tights?! , HAHA, what's next your knifes stolen ?" She laughs Hartley
" HEYYYY , at least look at this " Lai says as she pulls out a small bag strapped to her upper most tight , hidden under her skirt but it being baggy enough to access it , out of that a shiny , cold metallic knife with a black - purple tint , with hexagonal cracks , as soon as she puts her fingers on it a bright neon light filling the carefully placed cracks all the way to the top of the blade , where a purple pink mist pumps out for a split second. 'The blade is so sharp ' Kat think to yourself .

"Is this ... Your? Blade ?..."  Kat mutter  to Lai .
" Yes ,  grandma finally thought it was my time , that's how I even got here , only 2 days ago , ANYWAYS  right ... So do you have a camp set up ?"  She asks kat , as she quickly points into a left ish direction .
"Somewhere that way ? I don't remember plus we'll be home soon " , Lai looks at Kat suddenly as her face lightens up , Lai looks at the red corpse and crawls over to it , feeling his pockets she finds a small brown cloth bag , inside it , Lai shows kat a bunch of gems , mostly the same colour , a shallow sky blue , the crystals somewhat glowing a bit , Lai also takes out a very very small book out of his pocket , like a guide to those gems , on the first page it clearly has a diagram of the same exact gem , she states " the gem of a shallow place " , " if two people of blood , or chain , wear it , convergence shall effect them , but not deplace them, it shall grant the user...s a strong ability, to not necessarily wield the power of convergence but rather to guide it or null it " , half of that , she says slightly giddy .

Lai looks up at Kat , and gives her the bag , whilst she keeps half of the gems from the bag with her .
" So that we will never separate ....sis".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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