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"He's a what," Dr. Jeon asks. I knew he wouldn't know what that was. "Dad, I will explain later, right now, I want to hear Jin's idea", Namjoon says, pouring himself a drink. "I am going to draw up a new prenup agreement saying that no matter what happens with our marriage, Jungkook's money will stay with Jungkook, and I have no claim to it. Namjoon, do you know of a judge who can marry us as soon as possible," I ask.

 "Uh yea, I do. Let me make some phone calls. It shouldn't be a problem," he says, pulling out his cell phone. "I still don't get why you have to marry Jungkook," Dr. Jeon says. "Dr. Jeon, Jin is Jungkook's best protection against Robert. He is forcing Jungkook into a marriage that Jungkook doesn't want, just to get his money. He bullied Jungkook into this engagement, he won't stop till he gets what he wants," Hoseok explains.

Dr. Jeon sighs, "How long will you two be married." "As long as Jungkook wants it, but we should stay married till we can stop Robert," I say. Jungkook is pressed into my side. He is afraid that Namjoon and his dad will be disappointed in him. "It's okay, Kookah, just use your safe word if it gets to be too much, and I will take you out of here." He nods, "Okay."

I lead Jungkook to the couch and pull him onto my lap and rub his back. "Are you tired, baby boy," I whisper, so only he hears. He looks up at me with his beautiful eyes and nods, burying his face into my neck. I lean down and whisper into his ear, "Rest, we have a busy few days ahead of us." He nods again, breathing in my scent. Hobi hands me a drink and leaves Jungkook a bottle of water.


Namjoon comes back into the room, "My friend Judge Gan will marry you two in the morning as soon as you get the license." "Good," Jin says, then starts to explain how everything will work. "We will apply for the marriage license. Once granted, Jungkook and I will be married by the judge. Then I think we should leave for a little while before going back to my place in Seoul," he says. "You guys can use my house in Italy," Hoseok offers. "That would be great, thank you. This way, Jungkook will be away from Robert till we know his next move," Jin says. "Where will you live," Dr. Jeon asks. 

"Jungkook will move in with me, unless he chooses to stay here after we return, that will be up to him," Jin explains. "NO, I want to be with you," I say, sitting up. "Okay, baby boy, you can come home with me," he whispers into my ear. I smile and lay my head back down on his shoulder. I can't believe he understands me and listens to me. No one else has ever understood me or given me a voice. Namjoon knew that I was an introvert, but the sub issue I tried to keep hidden. I didn't want him to be disappointed in me. Knowing Seokjin is here with me, I feel my eyes getting heavy.


I help walk Jungkook up to his room. He is exhausted, it's been a long day for him. "Baby, get undressed and take a shower", I instruct him. "Don't leave, please stay till I get out", he pleads. "I'll be here, I promise", I say. He smiles and walks into the bathroom, shutting the door. Hearing a phone vibrate, I see Jungkook's phone charging on the nightstand. I look at the screen and see messages from Robert, threatening Jungkook if he keeps ignoring him. My fist clinches' tightly, give me 5 minutes with that asshole, just 5 minutes.

I delete all the messages and make a mental note to buy Jungkook a new phone. The bathroom door opens, and he steps out in just a towel. "I forgot to grab clothes", he says shyly. I walk over and stand in front of him, not taking my eyes of his body. His cheeks color an adorable pink, not looking me in the eye. I place my finger under his chin, raising his head, "get dressed before you catch a cold." 

I pull the comforter down and motion for him to get into bed. He climbs in, and I climb in after him, pulling the blankets over both of us. He settles into my arms, laying his head on my chest. "You can sleep, baby, I'll be here", I say, pressing my lips into his hair. He sighs, his body relaxing, but his arms tightening around me. I can't help but to smile, it's been a long time since I have cuddled with anyone.

"Hyungie, will we live as a real married couple", he asks quietly. "What do you mean", I ask, teasing him, happy with the nickname he just used. He buries his face in my chest, too embarrassed to answer me. I can't help but chuckle, "Do you want to live as husbands' baby." He nods his head, still buried into my chest. I play with his hair, "then we will, when you are comfortable enough. Now sleep, I know you are tired."

"Where is Yoongi hyung, why didn't he come", Jungkook asks. "He had some business to take care of back home. He wanted to be here for you, but you will see him soon", I say. It doesn't take long for me to hear Jungkook's soft snores. I turn him so that we are spooning, he doesn't even stir. I hear my phone go off, reaching for it I see it's Hoseok texting me.

Hobi - Come downstairs when you can.

I wait until I know Jungkook is in a deep sleep, then slide out of bed without waking him. Downstairs Hobi and Namjoon are in his office drinking 100-year-old scotch. "At least you didn't forget me", I say laughing. "How is he", Hoseok asks. "Asleep right now. I think he is a little shaken up", I say. "He's so calm with you, I never took you for a Dom, Jin", Namjoon says. "I was in one relationship a long time ago, the guy was a sub and taught me what it meant to be a Dom. I took too it rather easily and I actually enjoy it", I explain.

"I would too, tying people during sex", Hoseok laughs. I chuckle, "being a Dom isnt about tying people up, it's more than that. I do not tie people up to have sex with them. I like the taking care of someone, the idea of protecting someone", I explain. "That's why I know my brother is in good hands, he has always had a crush on you. He doesn't think I know, but he made it so obvious", Namjoon says. I was taken aback by Joon's statement, I never thought Jungkook had a crush on me.

"I will say goodnight to you gentleman, I need to check on my boy", I wink. Jungkook is still asleep when I come into the room. I take a quick shower and throw on some pajama pants before sliding into bed with my boy. He moans and turns to cuddle into my side, "I missed you Hyungie." I kiss his forehead, but then I hear a phone buzz. I check mine to find nothing, so then I check Kook's and its a text from Robert.

Robert - STOP FUCKING IGNORING ME I will be there first thing in the morning to get you away from your brother's asshole friends be ready

He thinks so. Over my dead body will get to my boy. That's a promise.

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