The prologue that fateful night

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I've always lived a pretty nice life. I was created by a old man for his  granddaughters Lizzy's 5th birthday and  given the name Olivia that day I swore to protect her as long as I could, my memories are a little bit blurry now, but even so, I still could never forget her smile..... But a mechanical doll can only do so much

But little did I know that day would be the beginning of the end........

I walked down the hallway as a small glimmer of sunlight creeps through the window, it was still quite early in the morning and I had to wake Lizzy up  I reached her room and politely knocked before opening the door

Lizzy it's time to wake up

Ugh, but it's so early, why do I have to get  up it's not even a school day

But still you have a lot to do today, plus breakfast is already done, you don't want it to get cold do you I really am sorry about waking you up but you know how your grandfather is

Yawn, I suppose you're right, it would suck having a cold breakfast, plus, my grandfather is very strict about my  schedule I'll be downstairs in just a couple of minutes let me get dressed

Ok I'll go tell him

I leave her room and then close the door as I slowly but surely walked down the hallway, I think about Lizzy's grandfather and how kind he truly. is Lizzy's grandfather took her in after her parents  passed away a couple of years ago, she was still quite young, and her grandfather seemed to feel it to be his responsibility to take care of her that's part of the reason why I was created, she had a very sheltered life, and because of that, she did not have many friends, he wanted her to have a best friend forever and someone to protect her

I reached the dining room and open the door

Lizzy's grandfather
Did you wake her up

Yes, I did she'll be downstairs in just a minute, she's getting ready right now

Just a moment later, she opens the dining room door she's wearing a beautiful blue and purple dress fit for a lady of high status

So do you like my new dress

Yes it looks lovely I'm so jealous hehe

Lizzy sets down at the table and eats afterwards we grab our bags and are ready to go out for the day

grandfather I'm heading out now

Lizzy's grandfather
You two have fun and don't get into to much trouble  

Lizzy says goodbye to her grandfather as we leave for the day

So what all do we have to do today, I don't exactly remember sorry

Oh, it's fine, we just have a lot of odds and ends to do it will probably take all day, though, because of how many there are

I see well let's get started then first stop the bookstore!!

We have a lovely day of just doing odds and ends honestly, despite how much we had to do, it was still quite a relaxing day, if only it could have lasted just a little bit longer 

Well it looks like we only have one more stop to get my new tailored dress

Oh great I'm honestly quite tired

We got to the place, then she went inside to get the dress while I stayed outside and waited for her it was quite peaceful, just watching the sunset as the wind  blew through my hair softly, it felt quite nice and peaceful. All of a sudden, as I watch the last bit of sun, fade away I suddenly get a bad feeling I was just about to go inside the place and get her whenever  the door opens right before I can grab the handle and she leaves the building 

Oh. Are you ready to go back home?

Yeah, I'm ready, it's been quite a long day  I'm worn out huh

Well, then, let's get going in quick, after all, the Suns already down, and your grandfather will be worried if we don't get home soon

We call a car and head back to the Manor when we get to the Manor, we head inside, put up our stuff and start to relax for the day as soon as I start to relax all of a suddenly that weird feeling from earlier that day came back out of nowhere, and I couldn't quite figure out what it was suddenly I hear Lizzy screaming I start to run to her room I get to her room and fling, open the door, I see a weird man talking to her. He notices me and tries to tell me that we all need to get out of the house, and that it's not safe to stay here I look at him confused whenever suddenly the floor  cracks beneath my feet as I hear Lizzy scream as I fall through the ground  suddenly I feel something hard hit my head I feel my face crack as I slowly black out.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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