Fandom's Fandom

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This is the backstory for your fandom that I stayed awake in bed last night coming up with :D

Mandatory content warning for sensitive readers: The folowing story contains: Death, drunk driving, graphic descriptions of murder and self-murder, a literally novel-length backstory, i can't speel.

Reader discression is highly advised.

Mr Frederick Royer (Freddie) was a police officer that met an unfortunate series of events.

Freddie came from a pretty happy and normal family in the suburbs. He had a brother and a sister and 2 parents; his aunt and uncle also lived with him and they were determined to teach him everything about the wonderful world that they were all a part of. They were gonna make sure that their children would

He had a happy childhood and his family taught him many things as he grew up so he's be ready to go into the big wide world out there.

Filip Thornhill, on the other hand came from a very disfunctional and rich family. Including him, there were 5 children in his family and they had two parents. His parents weren't good at parenting. In fact, they didn't really even care about their children unless they saw them as being useful to them in some way. Filip was seen as having the potential of being great since he had the talent of making mechanical dolls, but they say he wasted it since he didn't want to turn it into a giant buissness. He was never really happy living like he did, but one day while in late highschool, he would find the love of his life: Freddie. They hit it off pretty soon and dated for several years until they were old enough to get married. After getting married, Filip gave his family the middle finger and straight up disowned them. Well, MOST of them.

There was one sibling who he was always more fond of than his other family members, and that was Kira. Kira was the youngest of the family and she was seen as the biggest faliure since she never did well in school and never seemed to have any kind of talent. This lead to her being very mistreated by her family which lead her to become extrely mentaly and emotionally unstable and volitile. Filip always felt really bad for her, and throughout their childhood, he was the only one who looked out for her. Kira and her slightly older sister Brittanny still lived with their parents even though the both of them had already become adults (Kira was 18, Britanny was 19) since neither of them had found actual jobs.

Life was pretty great for Freddie and Filip together, not so great for Kira though. The couple would live a happy mrried life for about 4 years until a tradgedy would occur. Filip got car accident caused by a drunk driver. The drunk driver survived and was arrested, but Filip was not so fortunate. Freddie was left absoultly devastated, he couldn't beleive that something like this could happen to the person that he cared the most about in the whole world. He requested to be given a break from his job to mourn his loss. Because it was the only thing HE could really do.

Filip was a very creative person and that creativity went beyond just crafting dolls; he crafted a soul along with them (Not literally btw). Every doll that he made was special to him, and he would never make one that felt fake, he always used REAL people and thoughts and emotions as inpiration for what he would make next. In fact, he LOVED making characters that were based off of his friends and family, which he would later gift to them. His favorite doll was actually the one that he made of himself which was a little clown doctor who healed others with his jokes and funny buisness. Hr made him to represent himself, since he always loved making other people smile with his jokes and comedic personality.

After Filip's death, this clown was the only thing Freddie had left of him. He would hold it in his arms day and night as he mourned, longing for the warm embrace of his husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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