Meeting Sirius Black

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Emma's POV

I got out of the castle without suspicion. Loki was waiting for me outside. He turned and walked away. I follow him to the whooping willow. Keeping my hand on my wand. He is supposed to be a murderer after all. But something tells me he isn't. I know it''s foolish of me to face him alone and I should of ratted him out. But I've known him as Loki for months and he's never hurt or threatened anyone. Hopefully tonights talk will clear up any confusion I have on what to do and I won't regret it.

"Now what?" I ask him confused as we stopped out of the tree's reach. He looked up at me then at the tree. He shots off towards it and the branches tree to hit him. But he dodges them with ease, like he's done it a hundred times before. When he reached the trunk he pressed his paw on a knot at the base. And the tree freezes. So that's it's week spot, I knew every whopping willow has one. But never found out where on the tree.

I walked over to him. But watched the branches wearily as they wave in the breeze harmlessly. I reach him and he nods at an opening beside him. I slide down it into a tunnel. "Lumos" I say lighting my wand as I stood up allowing him to join me. He set off down the tunnel and I followed him.

We soon reached a set of stairs and he goes up them. I see a trap door and open it for us. We enter a room that looks like a monster had been trapped inside. Large claw marks and broken furniture everywhere. "We're in the Shrieking shack" I state looking around.

"Yes, we are" a man says and I turn to see Sirius Black. I step back raising my wand. "You wished to talk" he states looking at me with his head cooked.

"Yes, is there somewhere we can sit?" I ask him. He nods and heads upstairs. I follow him to an old bedroom. I sat on the sofa while he sat on the bed.

"How did you know my name?" he asks me curious.

"Professor Lupin, you're old school friend is our defense teacher" I state. "I figured out his secret and he told me about his friends. How one turned into a big black dog" I explain. Coal appears and comes to sit on the couch beside me. I smile patting his head as he rests it on my lap.

"Why not turn me in?" he asks.

"Because you're a riddle" I tell him with a smile. "I like figuring things out. It hasn't made sense to me why you waited so long to escape and why you'd come here when you could start a new life for yourself" I explain.

"You are very curious for a gryffindor, surprised you weren't placed in Ravenclaw" he states.

"Th sorting hat said I was very bright. But that I'd put my life on the line to protect those I care about. I showed loyalty and courage. So he placed in gryffindor" I explain. "But we're here to discuss you, not me" I tell him.

"What do you want to know?" he asks me.

"What really happened twelve years ago? I've heard the ministry's version of events. But what's your story?" I ask him.

"It's true I was meant to be James' secret keeper. But I believed it to be to obvious, so at the last minute I suggested they use someone else. The death eaters would come after me and the true secret keeper would be safe" he explains. "But they choose their back up poorly" he growls.

"Peter Pettigrew?" I ask and he nods his head.

"As you no doubt have heard from Remus, I was not the only animagus. James was one to and so was Pettigrew" he states.

"Prongs and Wormtail" I state. He nods.

"Pettigrew turned into a rat, we should of seen it sooner that he was the spy" he sneers. "He became James' secret keeper and I performed the spell. But Pettigrew betrayed them, when I found out. I went after him" he explains.

Emma Melody Vane: Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now