"She is so little, who could have done that to her" mrs granger whispers "we dont know yet but one thing is sure she need a family to take care of her" nurse says and looks at the poor hermione sitting at hospital bed with several bruises and bites.
Years passed by and she got better and didnt remember anything about "the night she got bites" but weirdly every fullmoon something happened to her, hermione didnt want to bother her parents and just tried to make it stop.
By the time she turned 10 she started noticing more weird things happening after doing research she find out about this magical school hogwarts but thought it was just some kinda joke until at age of eleven she got letter to that school and ordered books, read all of them before the summer ended and went to hogwarts. In the train she met harry and ron, she thought ron was kinda handsome but noticed how he didnt quiet like her. "Are you guys excited about the sorting ceremony?" She asked
"Well yeah i gotta get to the gryffindor my whole family is in it" ron answers. Hermione was just about to answer until she heard boy looking for his frog.
"Well it was pleasure to meet you" she says and get up to help the boy.At the ceremony hermione was really nervous, but after she was sorted she was really happy that she got to the same house as the two train boys.

Hermione's secret
Fanfictionthis tells about hermione being werewolf I KINDA FULLY "CHANCED" HER STORY SO I HOPE YOU DONT MIND