Hi. My name is Nikki but everybody calls me Pixie because of my long pink and purple hair, also because I have a very small frame and frankly look like a fairy. I'm the weirdest person you will ever meet in your entire life, and I'm not ashamed of that. People look at me and think of me as an outcast but that's alright because I know I'm an outcast, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not one of the popular girls but I am very well known in my school. You may be wondering who's that special someone in my life but to be honest I haven't met that someone yet. and I'm Way too occupied to be in a relationship, I want to be an art major. But right now I have to work my way up, so now art class in high school will just have to do. During the day I may seem unfocused but when I'm in the art studio its like everything unravels and all my thoughts become images. I personally think of myself as a galaxy, I always have my head somewhere besides earth. Like right now, I'm completely daydreaming while Mr. Foreman talks about boring algebra.
"Miss Angel will you please tell me the answer to problem four?" Mr. Forman asked.
"Umm...." I don't remember what I was thinking about, but it definitely wasn't algebra. All eyes are on me at this point and I frankly was enjoying the attention. A few people even tried to whisper the answer to me, with that the bell rung.
"Sorry Mr. Foreman, maybe next time." I cockily replied while grabbing my things.
I didn't like algebra much, but the next class was my favorite.
Art, duh.
I have a few minutes before class starts so I decide to wait by the fountain in the courtyard for Gabbi, my best friend. She's crazy about art almost as much as I am. I soon see Gabbi walking toward me, her turquoise hair thrown up into a messy bun. She looks stylish walking towards me in her floral crop top and black skirt with black boot heels. As I on the other hand was wearing a Simple T-shirt, distressed shorts and white vans.
She is obviously the friend with good sense of style.
"Hey Pixie" She greets.
"Hey Turtle" I reply.
She scrunches up her nose of the sound of the nickname. I call her turtle for three reasons:
1: She has turquoise hair
2: We met at the zoo by the turtles when we were 9
3: She's as slow as a turtle in those heels
"Shall we get going to art?" I ask
" hell yeah! I've been waiting all day for this class. Its the only thing about school that doesn't completely suck ass." She happily replies.
With that I take her by her hand and drag her to the art room, I don't have any time for any turtling. It'll take years for her to get to the art studio with her walking in those things. Once in the class room we put our bags, down put on our aprons, and sat at our easels. The art teacher Ms. Cloud came in shortly after we were done setting up.
"Alright class!" She exclaimed while clapping her hands, "For today's assignment draw.....What's wrong with the world. Ready go!"
With that I fall into a trance, in a world with just me and my paintbrush.
When I am done with my masterpiece my white t shirt is no longer white, it is splattered with different colors of the paint that I had used. I had drawn a skull, but not just any scull. A skull with a crack in the side, revealing a light bulb. The light bulb and the skull represent finding light in the the darkest and cruelest places. With me some people might look at me and think of me as a freak, they might look on the outside and see black clothing, dark makeup, and pink and purple hair. But on the inside I'm the lightest and most caring person. You can never judge a book by its cover, so why judge a person by their appearance? Ms. Cloud walkes around examining our artwork, when she comes to me she just stops and stares. After what felt like forever she simply smiled and nodded.
What the fuck?
That's it?
Where's the praise?! Where's the A+?!?!
I am beyond mad right now, just when I am about to go and confront Ms. Cloud about her reaction of my piece the bell rings. Dammit.
As I pack up my things , I see Ms. Cloud summon me to her desk with her hand.
I slowly approach her desk.
"What school do you want to go to sweetheart?" She kindly asked.
" Art Institute of New York ma'am." I reply.
"Oh..New York is a wonderful school, I happen to have a friend who is the administrator of The Art Institute of New York. I would be more than happy to set up a meeting for you two. I think you are an amazing student and have wonderful potential, you might even get a scholarship."
What? Did my ears just deceive me? She's going to set up a meeting with the administrator of the Art Institute of New York?!
"Really?! Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me!" I'm beyond excited, I'm estatic.
Going to the school means I will be able to follow my dreams on becoming an art major, and maybe a famous artist.
"Anything for my best student, but you didn't hear from me" she smiles and winks at me.
I thank her for probably the gazillionth time and make my way out the studio.
Best. Day. Ever.
But wait how am I supposed to tell Gabbi this? she wanted us both to go to the art institute of Alaska, how am I supposed to tell her that I don't wanna go to the same school is her? The friendship
We've had for 8 years will crumble.
I can't let that happen.
The only choice I have is to not tell her about the meeting.
I mean I might not even get in.
I'm doing the right thing, by protecting her feelings.