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Chapter One: It's Nice to Meet You, Mr. Afton.

I sighed, my alarm clock repeatedly beeping as I sat up in my bed quickly in a fit of rage, grabbing my alarm clock and throwing it at a wall. Goddamn fucking..-. I thought, running my fingers through my scruffy and knotty hair as I sighed loudly, shaking my head. I need a shower, my hair felt horrible, greasy, tatted, dry. I got out of the bed which gave me back aches on rare occasions as I rubbed my back, slowly walking over to my closet as I closed my eyes for a second.

My eyes ached, it felt like the light bags under my eyes were pulling my skin down, making my eyes feel tired and weak. I rubbed my temples in hope to somehow fix the problem as I picked out a black suit with a black skirt to go with it.

I looked at myself in the mirror a couple minutes after getting dressed into my outfit, running my hands down my sides to check myself out. I look….okay. I thought, a smile coming onto my face as I purred softly and chuckled, nodding my head; agreeing with my own statement.
I walked downstairs, being careful as I was wearing heels with the outfit, trying not to trip over anything and twist my ankle. 

I walked into the kitchen, getting some eggs and bacon out of the refrigerator as I put them down on the counter next to the oven.
I put bacon in the oven, cracking the eggs into a pan as I waited for them to cook. Aliyah, my cat, jumped up on the side as she meowed at me softly, making me smile warmly at her.
She sat on the counter, tilting her head as her eyes lightened, her tail wagging softly as her ear twitched, making her meow again.

I chuckled and stroked her back, tapping my foot as I flipped the eggs before they were ready, putting them onto a plate beside me.

I took the bacon out of the oven, putting it onto the plate as well, Aliyah taking a streak of bacon before running away with it. I huffed softly and giggled, shaking my head as I hummed, nodding my head soon after as I ate my breakfast. I finished breakfast 5 minutes after, looking at my watch and checking the time as I sighed softly.

I'll wash up when I get home, I need to go. I thought to myself, nodding my head slowly as I cleared my throat softly.

I grabbed my purse off the kitchen counter, checking everything I needed was inside of it before nodding my head and leaving the house.
I walked out of the house, closing and locking the door behind me before getting into my car which was about three feet away from the front door, parked on the driveway.
I unlocked the car; smiling and twirling the keys around my finger before getting inside, putting the key in the ignition, driving down to where my new job was.

I drove for around 10 minutes, my only company was the radio as I heard a man shout at his audience, making me shrug my shoulders.
I pulled up to the parking lot where the building was, looking out my windshield and glanced up at the sign; Afton Robotics.
I hummed interestingly, nodding my head slowly as I originally signed up as an assistant at Afton Robotics.

I walked into the building, straightening my tie and secretly pulling my skirt down a bit as I rubbed my arm nervously.

You're not a whore, Y/N. Just, keep it down to your knees, like mother says. I reminded myself, mentioning my skirt height as I blushed very slightly and clicked my tongue. I walked up a set of stairs and down a hallway as I glanced at the time on my watch, just making it on time for my interview.

I sighed softly for some confidence and reassurance before knocking on the door that had the sign reading; William. A.

"Come in!" I heard a deep, silky and smooth voice shout, tapping a pen on the desk. I walked inside of his office, a small smile coming onto my face as I cleared my throat, putting some hair behind my ear.

"Ah, you must be the girl that wanted a job here, right?" He asked, a man with silver-blue eyes, a purple suit and dark brown hair sitting at his desk, looking over at me with a smirk.

"I sure am," I replied, chuckling softly as I took a seat in front of his desk, crossing my legs. "I see. Well, my name's William, William Afton," He introduced, smiling as he chuckled and shook my hand.

"Oh well, uh, I'm Y/N, Y/N  L/N," I introduced, shaking his hand back and chuckling softly.

"It's nice to meet you, love. Now, let's start the interview," William smiled, glancing at the computer and folding his hands.
"Right," I mumbled, nodding my head and huffing quietly.
"So, why do you want a job at Afton Robotics?" He asked, raising an eyebrow curiously at me.

"Just for a career. I need job experience," I explained, rubbing my throat softly as I nodded my head. "Ah, I see. And, do you have any skills or traits?" William asked, typing on his computer as he glanced at me quickly.

"I'm obedient, I work well alone or with 2-4 people. I'm good at being friendly, building animatronics," I explained, listing the things as I counted on my fingers. 

"Why should I hire you to work here?" He asked as his eyebrow raised, humming interestingly.

"I'm obedient, I work well, I'm independent, I like to be social when I can. Um, I can do anything you like. I'm a hard worker and also dedicated to the work I'm put to," I explained, folding my hands and shrugging my shoulders. I looked at him confusingly for a second, he had an expression that simply read; "Oh, really? You'd do anything?".

"I see. And, do you have any disabilities or allergies?" He asked, typing on his computer quickly and raising an eyebrow.

"No, no allergies or disabilities," I replied, shaking my head and clearing my throat softly.

"Good, good. Well, I can say that you got the job. You have all the requirements," William announced, smiling as he nodded his head.
"Oh, that's great. When do I start?" I asked, smiling back at him as I nodded my head in understanding.

"Tomorrow, 8 A.M," He replied, tapping his chin and glancing at a calendar on his wall. "Got it, thanks sir," I smiled, walking towards the office door to leave.

"No problem, love," He chuckled, smirking softly as he waved at me.

I waved back at him before walking out of the office, going back to my car outside in the parking lot.
I sighed in relief, thrilled that I had this new job. I just needed to find a way around everything, find a way around him and it will be alright, I supposed. I unlocked my car, getting inside and resting my head against the wheel.

I’m tired, so tired.

I yawned softly, deciding to go and find something else to do in the meantime.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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