Broodwings are my second wings of fire fantribe that are a tribe based off of spiders and ants. Read this to learn about them if you want!
The Wings of fire series belongs to Tui. T Sutherland and I only own this fantribe and everything about them...
Broodwings are dragons that live on the third continent of the Wings of Fire world, Aranea.
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It's shaped like a spider and is mostly made up of empty land with no plants whatsoever, except for the head of the spider that has one small forest where the broodwings make their homes. They make webs in the trees and add in webs that connect them to make massive spider web homes from the silk they make in their tails. The land is so barren because of a disease that massacred the broodwing population to a fraction of what it was before, and it also decimated the foliage of the continent. However, the few remaining broodwings grabbed everything they could and took shelter under ground until the disease was gone for good. After they left their bunkers, they were left with land that had no food, so the broodwings were once again on the brink of extinction. But, one of them had brought seeds into the bunkers and saved them, those seeds grew into trees, and those trees had fruits in them, and the fruits attracted birds, and the birds attracted animals and so on. More and more trees started popping up, but only on the only fertile land left on Aranea: The spider's head. So the broodwings don't have a lot of space to expand, so their main priority is to plant trees. So far, no luck, but most refuse to give up. And some even think there are more trees on the horizon, on the distant continents.
But before all of this, Aranea had silkless and antennaless broodwings that were just living in the forest, unable to smell too good or build their impressive web systems. It's neighbor, Pantala, however has had a disease break out. Dragons would start to have runny noses the whites of their eyes would turn a redish pink. Their scales would become pale and dull, changing to a slight shade of gray. The sick dragons would cough of mucus and sometimes blood, and some would have trouble breathing. Not only that but the sickness caused nasty dark green veins to appear all over a victims body. But worst of all, it caused paralysis. Slowly, the victim would lose the ability to move some of their limbs. Early on, it would probably be the tail or one wing, then the arms or the other wing, then the legs, neck and head. Then the sickness will attack the insides, mainly the lungs. Eventually, the lungs will stop working and then so will the brain, causing death. And the only thing that can cure it is a plant on Aranea, so Pantala was pretty much screwed. Unless... the queen hivewing on the continent at the time threw all of the sick dragons off the continent to fend for themselves. All of them died horribly, drowning in harsh seas or getting snapped up by the grotesque carnivorous plants in the Poison Jungle. All... except for one silkwing. This silkwing was named Vibrant. Vibrant had somehow managed to make it to Aranea, where he was found and cared for by a broodwing named Formica. Formica had figured out what plant to use to make a cure for the disease. This plant is known as the Saving Grace. Now, even though Formica successfully healed Vibrant from his sickness, she unknowingly released the disease until the entirety of Aranea. This was because Vibrant had not been properly quarantined. Trees, animals, broodwings, everything was killed and or destroyed by this disease. Some broodwings call the sickness The Green Death because of the green veins that spread across the body of a dragon unfortunate enough to contract the disease. But anyway, Formica saved as many broodwings as she could, and took them and Vibrant to the very edge of the continent, the spider's head. Far away enough from The Green Death's origin, which was closer to the south. She healed as many dragons as she could with the Saving Grace plant. Then it was Vibrant's idea to hide underground and wait for The Green Death to pass, and for its bacteria to die out. Eventually, it did. Afterwards Formica and Vibrant get married and have children, and those children pass on the antenna and silk abilities from their father. This starts their legacy. Pure bred broodwings eventually get outnumbered by the hybrids and eventually fully replace them.