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Death Raptor.EXE: Hello, we now have our own little ask series.

Ms. BooBoo: Starring me. Here, you'll get to ask me questions, any kind you like.

Death Raptor.EXE: I'll try and start a question. How old are you?

Ms. BooBoo: About 15.

Death Raptor.EXE: What do you think of yourself?

Ms. BooBoo: I think I'm awesome!

Death Raptor.EXE: Well, if you have any questions, just type them in the comments.

Ms. BooBoo: Maybe we'll answer all of them. Bet I can.

Death Raptor.EXE: Kay, bye! :3

Ms. BooBoo: Later! ^-^

Ask Ms. BooBoo.Where stories live. Discover now