The Pact: Bonds

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My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I am a thirteen year old ravenette haired boy who has only one goal and that is to kill a certain man. I am five feet tall and have pitch black eyes. I am an orphan. I live by myself in an apartment paid for, by the leader of the village, Hiruzen Sarutobi. The village is called Konoha and the leader is called the Hokage. The Hokage's job is to protect the citizens and lead them. He took care of me since my parents died. I attend the ninja acadamy, also funded by the Hokage. I made one friend so far. All we ever do is fight and rival against each other but deep down we're closer than brothers. His name is Naruto Uzumaki. He too is an orphan just like me. He has sun yellow spiky hair, light whisker streaks on both sides of his cheeks and saphire blue eyes. He is a stupid idiot who is always smiling and has a big dream of becoming the Hokage. Of course he won't make it because no one likes him.
I stood by the door of my classroom and heard everyone shouting at Naruto for something he did and he's just grinning at them in response. I always wondered how he takes so much jeering and never gets fazed.

"I'm going to become the Hokage, believe it!" Naruto declared as he continued smiling like the idiot he is. Everyone laughed at his impossible dream.

"Like someone like you can become the Hokage. You have to be smart and strong and you have none of the above, besides noone would even listen to you your just a freak," someone commented. I noticed how Naruto's grin dropped a bit.

I stepped into the class making my presence known and all the girls flocked to me.

"Sasuke! Good morning!" They all shouted to get my attention. I simply ignored them as they fought over me. It gets quite annoying. I looked over towards the empty seat beside Naruto and walked to it. "Hey idiot," I greeted.

"Hey Uchiha," he greeted me with a smile.
"Sasuke! Why are you talking to the idiot?" One of the girls called Sakura asked me.

"He's my friend," I simply answered and everyone gasped at me.
I didn't quite understand the shock everyone was in. I always talk to him so it was obvious we were friends. I turned my head back to Naruto, ignoring the shocked faces, to ask if he wanted to go to the Ichiraku's ramen restaurant after school but when I turned to him I couldn't believe what I saw. Naruto was staring at me with tears flowing down his face. "Naruto? Are you ok?" I was quite shocked because I have never seen him cry.

"Sasuke just admitted Naruto was his friend," I heard the whispers going around.

"Maybe he's lying just to make him feel better?" someone doubted.

"No its the truth Sasuke would never joke about something like that," Sakura clarified.

"Sasuke? Did you mean what you said?" Naruto asked. I looked deep into Naruto's eyes and saw a hint of happiness floating around at the possibility that I was telling the truth. I only smirked at him. "Yes idiot. You are so slow," I teased. Everyone gasped at my admittance. I looked over to Naruto. "Dry your tears you're making a scene. Meet up after school for Ichiraku's ramen ok?" he chuckled nervously and nodded as he looked around and quickly dried his tears.
"Ok class its class time!" the teacher came in and announced right as the school bell rang. After school I met Naruto by the swing in front of the Academy. We were walking through the village to Ichiraku's ramen restaurant in silence. He had not said anything to me since I admitted to everyone he was my friend.

"Sasuke?" I looked over to Naruto to see he had stopped walking.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"Thank you" I looked at him strangely.

"For what?" He stared at me and looked down.

"For being the first to accept me, I didn't know my parents and I don't know why the villagers look at me with hate in their eyes," Naruto revealed. I shook my head at him.

"You don't have to thank me. I am the last member of my clan and everything was taken from me when I was little by my brother. He betrayed the village and I'm going to kill him for it but you have shown me that bonds can be stronger than anything. I must thank you Naruto," I finished as he smiled at me.

"OK! Promise me we'll be best friends till we die," Naruto held out his index and middle finger together.

"Promise," and Sasuke did the same as they locked fingers together and made the pact.
I lay here on my bed thinking about the pact I made with Naruto today. Its funny how we came to know each other. Our mothers were best friends so I know if they were here now they would be proud of our bond. Naruto is like a brother to me and it was not before today that I have ever seen him cry. Its funny how on the outside he's always smiling but he's been bottling up his anger on the inside.

"All things that glitter is not gold," I spoke softly before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

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