45.Happy Hours

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Yibo was smiling all the time...everyone was preparing for engagement ceremony.
Xiren was discussing things with Yanli.

In the evening Yibo went to a mall for shopping 🛍 suddenly someone closed his eyes...Yibo was not unfamiliar with touch but still not familiar..

Guess who?

Song Lian..?

Wow bo...you still recognized me...

Ofcourse I can...you are my one and only friend and most important childhood friend...
But I'm confused...


How you recognized me?

Oh bobo....you're still same...cute but yeah now handsome too...

Yibo smiled at his friend but his sentence clicked in his mind that he can be recognized...

So bobo...what say...let's go grab a coffee together...

Ok...but give me ten minutes...I have to purchase somethings...


After shopping Yibo and Lian went to a coffee shop nearby mall....
They were enjoying coffee with memories...Yibo got to know that Lian was in same city so he invited him to engagement party...
Both were happy to meet their best friend after a long time...

Bobo...don't get me wrong but is it true that you are married...with Famous actor Xiao Zhan...


What hmm...tell me clearly...

Actually that was an accident 😐

Accident...?? Seriously bo...marriage accident?

Yeah...you can say that...

Tell me...how?

Yibo told him everything about him and Zhan from start...
Lian was somehow feeling bad for his friend...
They both were talking and talking and talking that Yibo forgot the time....Zhan was calling him but as usual his mobile was silent so Zhan decided to go to him.
He checked his location and in just thirty minutes he was in coffee shop but what he saw was not amusing for him at all because Yibo was laughing with someone...
He felt a strange feeling inside him but soon he calmed himself and went near Yibo...

There you are Dd...and I was searching for you...

Zhan ge...you here?? I mean why are you here....and why were you searching me?

I 'll tell you when we'll go to home...at first who is he?? Aren't you going to introduce...

Oh..ge Actually I forgot to tell you...He is my best friend...one and only Song Lian...
Lian he is Zhan ge...

Hello...Mr. Xiao

Hello...I'm Yibo's Husband...Xiao Zhan...

Yeah I know...

There was a spark in their eyes...but spark was for to burn 🔥 not kind of affection...
Yibo was confused 😕 with their behaviour but he just shrugged....

Ok...now we have to go...Let's go dd...

Ok...Zhan ge you go wait in car...I'm coming in a minute...

Zhan nodded and went away from there unwillingly...

Lian today I spent hours with you happily...it was a great evening for me...see you later...

Yep...umm Bobo...Aren't you going to exchange number...how I am suppose to contact you..

Ohh sorry...

They exchanged numbers added to each other on chat...
After that they bid their goodbye...

When Yibo reached in parking area he saw Zhan was waiting for him outside the car...when he went close to him...Zhan sat inside car without saying anything which was showing that he was not in mood to talk so Yibo without uttering a single word sat inside car....soon they reached at Yibo's house...Yibo went in his house but Zhan didn't bother to talk with him...Yibo was in dilemma that what should do...

Why Zhan ge is not talking...what happened to him suddenly? 😕
Should I go out to check...?

Thinking for sometime he decided to look out if Zhan is still there and for his surprise Zhan was there so went near him...

Zhan ge....Aren't you going back to home?

What...is there a problem if I am taking a break here....

No..no...it's not like that...of course you can...In fact come inside and take a rest...


With in a blink of eye Zhan was inside Yibo's house...
In his house only Xiren was up...

Bobo...where were you...there were not too many things to purchase but you came at this hour...

Aunt...I met with my childhood friend so we chatted and I lost track of time...

Ooh..it's okay...baby...sometimes you should spend happy hours with people you love and care...
Okay now I'm also going to take my beauty sleep...dinner is in fridge...Good night

Good night aunt...

Zhan who came inside was listening the conversation between them but didn't say anything...
He stormed into Yibo's room....
Yibo just looked at him....confused...


What is going to happen any guess ☻️

Thanks for reading 😊

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