Sketchbook Love

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Hey there. Here is another one!

Nagato is my Favourite Sakura Empire girl!

Let's go


Fear and shock are all the Shikikan could feel in his current situation. Surrounded by angry ship-girls of the Sakura empire with weapons drawn, glaring down at the kneeling and hand-cuffed young man, Two gleaming katana swords pressed to his neck from both sides belonging to an equally suspicious Takao and Zuikaku.

The warning in both their eyes was unmistakable. Move, and you're dead. 

The Shikikan was baffled and unsure how he ignited such hostile reactions from these usually polite and pleasant girls. Being the Shikikan for only a few months, he had gained their trust and was on good terms with them all, so how could this be?

Kneeling and held at sword point in the courtyard of the most significant Shrine on this Island, A gigantic tree looming over all and hostile reactions by all present.

Except for one.

Standing before the kneeling young man is Lady Nagato, a shrine maiden, a Leader. One of, if not the most respected of all, Sakura girls.

Her stature will deceive most. A beautiful young woman with glowing golden eyes, long sharp fox ears and a single black, white-tipped fox tail behind. She is still wearing her shrine maiden outfit. 

The only difference this time seeing her is her oversized pauldrons on each side of her small shoulders and the massive intimidating rigging behind her. 

She is staring down at the Shikikan with cold indifference. A burning annoyance in her glowing eyes. Her presence dominated the whole courtyard. Not even the looming tree above them is the eye-catcher here. Now all ship girls look to her, awaiting her action or command. 

Kawakaze by Nagato's side glaring at the man, hand on her sheathed sword. Ready to draw it at a moment's notice. 

Standing a few feet behind Nagato is another similar girl who easily resembles her. Mutsu, her sister. But Mutsu's attention is not on the Kneeling man or her sister but on the sizeable black-covered sketchbook confiscated from him.

Nagato finally speaks with a soft but loud commanding voice.

"Shikikan? Why must you be brought before me like a traitor?... Do you dare betray us? Betray me?"  

The Shikikan flinches at her tone. "I'm not a traitor Nagato... I ahh!"

He couldn't finish his sentence as the sword at his throat bites into his skin, making him hiss. 

"Do not speak to Lady Nagato so casually, Traitor!." Zuikaku threatens with grit teeth. 

"Zuikaku, Takeo, lower your swords this instant." Nagato commands, causing the two ship girls behind the Shikikan to look uneasy at each other but withdraw their swords. They do not sheath them.

Nagato looks at Zuikaku with narrowed eyes.

"What treason has our Shikikan committed?"

"Every other night, he is seen coming close to your shrine with that book," she points at the sketchbook in Mutu's hands. "and writes things down. He does this covertly without warning or informing anyone. He will not show us what he writes." 

"He's gathering information on us!" A ship girl in the crowd shouts out.

"Yeah!" More girls shout.

"SILENCE!" Nagato shouts out, causing everyone to flinch at her, surprising volume. 

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