First day.

46 2 0

What you look like :
(Except your clothes are the uniform from the school )
Your name is Mitsu Miyoshi (or you can change it to what you want, btw Mitsu means honey)

Info:Not clingy and never wants to be the center of attention, does stuff on her own and accomplishes, is not a tsundere and never had a crush since kindergarten, doesn't have much friends since people usually ask her if she wants too be friends w...

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Not clingy and never wants to be the center of attention, does stuff on her own and accomplishes, is not a tsundere and never had a crush since kindergarten, doesn't have much friends since people usually ask her if she wants too be friends with her only cause they don't want her to be left out, loses 2 or 3 days of school but then comes back, is quiet, smells like sweet honey, her favorite thing to eat is honey toast, lives alone In a big house and always cleans it but locked her house after she had to stay at the schools apartment, favorite color is light amber since it's the color of honey, she's the type to not go to parties and stay away from social media and just play regular fun but boring games on her phone, seems like every selfish person to exist but she's actually very nice in her own way.
Y/ns pov:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I grabbed the clock and turned it off while yawning. I got up from my comfortable bed and took off my clothes and changed it into the uniform they gave me. I quickly got a toast and took my bag and put my shoes on, i then opened the door and left locking the door.

I got in the bus. Walking quietly, turns out I was early since no one was in the bus, I had time to eat my bread before people came, I finished my bread and looked out the window, a lot of people were coming in so I just stared at them, some of them looked weird but nice, it was a few minutes staying inside the bus, I was gonna close my eyes out of tiredness until I got startled by a sweet girl voice from far away saying.

"Excuse me... Could you give up your seat?"

I couldn't see anything since my hair was covering my face and I was too comfortable to look up...

Okay fine..

I looked up with my half closed black eyes and saw a girl standing up with light brown hair and pink tips at the end of her hair, I'm just gonna call her ' The Girl'  the girl was looking at a blond haired male with baby blue tips at the end of his hair, she looked okay but he looked weird since he was crossing his legs & smirking creeping me out, Ima call him ' Creepy Man'.

The girl then said. "That's a priority seat, I think you should let this elderly lady sit there."
With her sweet voice, i didn't mind her voice, some people are born with their voice or they just decide to sound like that, it's not like I'm gonna be able to force her too stop talking or sl*t her throat so she can't speak anymore.

Creepy man then replied with. "My, my, pretty girl. While it may be a priority seat, there is no law requiring me to relinquish it. You want me to give up my seat just because I am young?"

I found the first 4 words he said creepy.

He laughed and then he said. "Nonsense, pure and simple. Even if I am young, standing consumes more stamina then sitting. Why should I do something so detrimental with no benefit to myself?"

I had no idea what the Creepy man was talking about so I just looked out the window while  the Creepy man was talking, when the Creepy man stopped speaking I looked back and the girl started speaking instead, she said.

"I think you'd be contributing to society, And this lady seems to be having trouble standing upright."

I don't get why the Creepy man couldn't just stand up and let the elderly lady sit down, the Creepy man is acting like he's gonna d1e if he gives up his seat, I would give up my seat to the elderly lady if the girl asked me if I could. But I'm not gonna embarrass myself right now since there's a bunch of people In this bus.

The Creepy man then said with his weird smirk and closed eyes.

"I have no interest in contributing with society. Besides... What about those others sitting in the other seats? The difference between priority seats and others seems rather trivial to me."

As he said the 8 first words he put up his front small hair with his hand showing his pink eyes, I don't know why he did that, is he trying to show off, are his eyes magical? Can they make people fall in love with them? Can they make people amused?

The last 9 words he said made everyone look away clueless, I found that disappointing, i was ready to get up but as I was getting up I heard a demonic voice in my head saying..


It hurt my head making me look down at my feet and clench my head biting my tongue so I wouldn't attract people's attention that were beside me since I was all the way at the back in the corner beside a man with dark brown hair, he didn't seem to see what I just did since he was looking up front. After that weird demonic voice stopped echoing in my head I let go of my head and stopped biting my tongue and I fixed my hair and sighed not caring what just happened and instead I just ignored it. The elderly person then said to The Girl

" R-Really I'm fine. But thank you."

The Girl looked like she just unaccomplished a quest and was sad, the girl looked at everyone here with a sad face and said. "Excuse me! Would any of you be willing to give up your seat?"

I wanted to get up and do something nice and not seem like the mean person in this bus but the person working in my head made me have a headache, I started rubbing my temples, I don't get why the person in my head didn't want me to get up and be a kind person.

I felt disappointed that I couldn't help until I saw a business girl raise her hand and say "Um, you can have mine." I sighed glad that someone finally gave up their seat, I feel so selfish for not letting the elderly lady take my chair, Sorry God And Jesus.

The girl responded with a sweet happy voice and a smile " Thank you so much!"
I did a slight smile finally happy that the fight between creepy man and the girl are over and the elderly lady finally got her self a given up seat. The bus ride went on with just silence as we were finally getting too the school.


A/n I got to 1251 words, my fingers hurt😭 btw Mitsu is based off me since I'm quiet, I hate being the center of attention, and I never had a crush because people in my school are ugly as heck I'm not even joking bruh, but yep what did you think of the first chapter?

Ima make another chapter right after this one since I'm bored and I have school, tomorrow, Bye!


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