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My Christmas List: December 8th
Make me a better liar.


"I seriously thought boss was going to kill me Mira—you almost had me killed," Leo laughed as we all stood on the elevator.

After an entire game of bowling, I managed to beat both CeCe and Leo, which left both of them mad. It was clear they were competitive. Even being mad, they still managed to keep the mood light and fun.

It made me think of Olivia—my coworker—and how much fun we would have whenever we had a moment away from work. I missed her.

It's hard when we both work the same job, and I know her workload is much heavier considering she took on all of my other clients. Meanwhile, I'm here at Armani's vacation fucking retreat watching her shove her tongue down Heidi's throat.

I pursed my lips in embarrassment. "I know-I'm sorry. Worst first impression ever."

CeCe shook her head. "Nonsense. It's clear you have some issues with clubs, and that's okay."

Leo nodded, smiling still. "Yeah it's no big deal, I just had to give you a hard time."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Still you deserve an apology for the position I put you in."

Leo nodded. "Well thank you for the apology, but I promise it isn't necessary."

"Besides this one needs a good ass beating anyways," CeCe said, standing on her tippy toes to ruffle Leo's blonde curly hair.

Leo gasped which easily earned a laugh from me. "You don't touch a man's hair!" he pointed a finger at her.

Before CeCe could say anything further to defend herself, the elevator dinged, signaling we reached level eight.

"Well this is me," I said, walking off the elevator as the pair peered behind me in curiosity. I'm guessing no one has ever been to Armani's level other than her family. "This was the most fun I've had in a while guys... thank you."

CeCe smiled. "Of course—you do know we have to follow up with round two right?"

Leo laughed. "Yeah, CeCe's going to keep playing you until she wins now."

"No getting out now," CeCe raised a playful brow.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah-yeah try all you will, but I'll stay on top."

"Yeah okay, we'll see about that," CeCe said as the elevator doors began to close.

Almost instantly after the doors closed, my smile fell. The same mood that lingered over me earlier soon fell back onto me like a pile of heavy bricks. I let out a soft sigh and turned on my heel, walking toward my room at a quick pace. The last thing I needed right now was to see Armani—especially after our kiss.

I'd be lying if I said I haven't been avoiding her since.

As soon as I made it into my room, I grabbed the silver lighter, feeling the anxiousness building up inside of me.

I sighed, tears glazing over my eyes as I slid down against the bare cold wall. I pulled my white dress up to expose my thighs, turning my leg outward as I placed the flame against the soft sensitive skin of my inner thighs.

Memories of my senior year of high school danced in my head—and the awful Thanksgiving dinner that my sister attended when she was back in town from university.

"That's what you're going to school for?" Millicent asked, disappointment laced in her tone. "I totally support you... but you really want to disappoint mom and dad some more? C'mon Mir."

A MERRY MAFIA CHRISTMAS (18+) (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now