Author's Note

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Hello! ( ͡❛ ‿‿ ͡❛)

What you are about to read took me the better part of five months to complete, albeit a good time of that was me procrastinating since writing such a large piece I didn't expect to become so long is prone to make me burn out once in a while.

I understand if reading something that is nearly 80,000 words and labeled as erotica is daunting and not everyone's cup of tea, but this is what I consider to be my best work thus far; we'll see how I feel about it in six months time, but I do greatly appreciate anyone who takes the time to at least read this partially.

Please do not be afraid to comment either or give your thoughts on specific scenes! I am always wondering, mostly through crippling paranoia, what my readers do actually think of my work.

I also hope those that do enjoy what I write look forward to what I eventually create in the future. (◦'ںˉ◦)

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