Nightime Chat

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After turning around under the sheets for the fiftieth time in the last half hour, Taylor just sighs and realizes that sleep is just not going to come to her tonight. Somewhat reluctantly, she gets up out of the bed and grabs her journal from her nightstand before heading to her little makeshift music room that was once just another guest room. Plopping herself down on the couch, she grabs a pen and starts thinking about everything going on. Tour starts in a couple months, I'll be away from Joe when I have to go back to the US for rehearsals, the grammy's are in a few weeks, I need to buy a gift for Liza's baby shower, I have a meeting tomorrow at noon that I'm gonna be half asleep for .

"Babe? You ok?" Joe stood in the doorway looking into the living room. Taylor looked up from her journal and met Joe's sleepy eyes.

"Yeah. It just wasn't happening tonight."

"It wasn't happening?" Joe chuckles.

"I'm surprised I didn't wake you up."

"No you didn't, I got up to pee and realized you weren't there. I've learned to be a deep sleeper, you kick in your sleep sometimes." Joe teases as he moves over to the couch where she's sitting and joins her under the blanket. Taylor sinks back into his embrace, letting his familiar scent settle her brain a little bit. Joe slips his hand under her pj shirt and strokes her side up and down with his hand.

"I'm sorry," she mumbles, her eyes half closed.

"Baby don't apologize. What's going on in that brain of yours huh?" He presses a kiss to her bangs.

"I dunno, life."

"Yeah? Well how about we get you some melatonin and see if you can get just a few hours hm?" Joe says as Taylor nods against his chest. "C'mon." Slowly they both stand up and walk back over to their bedroom.

"Do you wanna get back in be babe?" Joe asks and Taylor tucks herself under their sheets again. Joe enters their bathroom and opens the cabinet under the sink. He quickly grabs a couple pills.

As he walks back into their bedroom, he notices Benji strutting across the room and gently scoops him up with his free hand.

"Here Tay, take these. He hands her the pills. And look, I brought you benj." He places the cat gently on the bed before climbing over Taylor and joining her under the covers.

"He's spoiled" Taylor giggles after she finished swallowing the pills. Eventually Benji settles in a ball next to Taylor and falls asleep immediately. "If only I could fall asleep that fast"

"Well baby, you're not cat"

"Good observation."

"T, if you're still up in an hour wake me up and we'll figure it out ok?"

"Ok. Love you," Taylor mumbles.

"Love you too"

Taylor and Joe One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now