1- Oh My Gosh

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Bella's POV~

I feel like a freak at Forks. I'm the polar opposite of the typical Phoenix girl, not to mention my total incompetence when it comes to learning names- Yeah... my first day is going great so far. But at least I don't need the map!

I sat at the end of a full table filled with, to me, seven nameless strangers. Eric from English waved across the room. I didn't wave back, instead, I stared blankly at the cafeteria floor at a single- but large- breadcrumb. My peace was interrupted by the girl in my Spanish class tapping my shoulder; Which made me jump,

"Hey, are you okay?" Her eyebrows were raised and her voice lilted. I only had to turn slightly to look at her. I shook my head and yawned, "Yeah- Sorry. I'm just tired."

My eyes flickered to the corner of the lunchroom. A certain group of 6 caught my eye. They didn't seem to speak or eat... I couldn't help but stare at them. But they all looked so different. One of the girls stood up with her uneaten tray and dumped it so elegantly. I gazed in admiration at her insane beauty. How could a human be so perfect? I scratched my head at the thought. But one of them particularly stood out to me... Her hair was not too long but wavy and she wore lipstick that was as light a brown as her hair was. The girl also had a red baseball tee on which differed from the other's outfits. They were mostly black and white and old-fashioned. I noticed a small chunk taken out of the bread she was 'eating'. Something was off about them.

"Who are they?" I asked the girl from my Spanish class, whose name I'd forgotten.

"Those two are Emmett and Edward Cullen, the others are Rosalie and Jasper Hale. The girl who dumped her tray is Alice Cullen; And the girl in the red, that's..." She took a breath. "Nora Cullen." Their uncommon names helped me remember my neighbors' common name. I averted my eyes from Jessica to look at Nora. Her dark eyes met mine. Jessica's hesitation seemed unnecessary. Nora was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous.

"She's stunning." Literally.

Jessica chuckled. "Of course she is.. They all are so unreasonably attractive." Inhumane almost.. Jessica looked around the room suspiciously, "But don't waste your time, the single ones don't date. Apparently, no one is good-looking enough to date them." I felt my cheeks grow hot. Maybe I have a chance? We both laughed in embarrassment and I locked eyes with Nora again. My tongue darted out to wet my lips. I was practically glaring at them. At her..


Now that lunch was over, the urge to kill my curiosity intensified. I walked with my acquaintance named Angela- which of course... She reminded me of. We both had Biology II next hour.

When we walked through the door, the bell rang. Just on time. The class seemed strangely familiar. There were black-topped tables exactly like the ones in Phoenix. Angela sat on one with another person next to her. The only open seat was.. next to Nora Cullen... She seemed nervous- but unbothered at the same time. I watched her consciously as I went to introduce myself to the teacher.

When I turned around, she smirked at me but it quickly faded as she noticed me looking back. When I sat down, I was met by a curious set of eyes. They were topaz, like the gemstone. That's really strange. Weren't her eyes dark earlier? As I took notes, I couldn't help but get a second glance, or third, or fourth... At this strange but unbelievably beautiful girl. Her hair laid flat as she rested her head on the table while tapping her fingers. Now's my chance... I looked at her, again, and opened my mouth to speak. Okay, this is harder than I thought. After 30 seconds of pondering, I finally built up the courage to say something.

"This class is boring isn't it?" I forced a laugh and smiled. She gave me a suspicious look and turned away from me. Her hand was stiff, covering her nose. She never relaxed her hand, nor her arm. It seemed like she didn't want anything to do with me. What did I do?

My thoughts were interrupted by the ear-piercing bell. She was quick to be the first out of the classroom. I stopped watching her and closed my eyes in frustration. I wanted to run after her and ask what I did wrong. She was so mean.

While I tried to walk out of the classroom, I bumped into a cute blonde boy. His baby face made approaching him less daunting. I later learned his name was Mike and that we had the same gym class. I said bye to him as I walked through the girl's locker room door. Mike, huh? He's one of the only people who's treated me like a human since I got here! My flashbacks were interrupted by a girl wearing all black, stumbling into me.

"Oh my gosh-- I'm so sorry!" She tried to get up, her back turned from me as she spoke.

"It's fine..." I tried to get up but my knee had been bruised badly.

"Need a hand?" She turned around and extended her arm, revealing her face. I looked at her, tilting my head slightly.

"Oh- Hi... I'm Nora Cullen. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier I was just- What's your name?" Oh yeah... Earlier. The tone of her voice made her appear nervous.

"I'm Bella Swan." I put my hand out awkwardly with a crooked smile. Her cold strong grasp was strangely comforting. Nora took a step back and observed me.

"I've never seen you before..." She looked me up and down.

"Me neither!" I tried not to grin as I lied through my teeth. I have seen her before... and I guiltily enjoyed every second of it.

"Are you the new girl everyone's talking about?" She moved an inch closer, still carefully keeping her distance.

I nodded. "Yeah.." She furrowed her eyebrows- like my lackluster response made her feel sorry for me.

"Why do you seem so sad about it?" I signed and ran my hand through my hair, a habit I picked up on from all the stress.

"I just don't feel like I fit in here. Or anywhere for that matter." She was strangely easy to talk to. I felt more and more relaxed with every word.

She gave me a soft smile and nodded. "Understandable I feel the same." She doesn't seem mean at all. So what the hell was that earlier? I decided now wasn't the time to ask questions.

"Well, I think I should change and get to gym now. Nice meeting you Nora." My voice, flat as always, was starting to sound more lively. I smiled and walked away, my shoelace bouncing with the wind.

In gym, we played volleyball. I HATE volleyball with a passion. 4 years of gym was torture enough. While I was practicing my passes, I tripped and fell on my head. Or I thought I did... Someone caught me. I looked up to see-

"Hey. You better watch out out there." Nora Cullen.

My vision cleared as I recognized her face.

"How did you-"

"That's not important. But are you okay?" So she suddenly runs from across the gym and catches me but I'm not allowed to ask questions? Ok. But still... She was sat down carrying me and I snuck a glance at those beautiful eyes. She placed me down and helped me on my feet. I wobbled as I tried to stand.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I probably wouldn't be without you though.."

She laughed at that and for the first time, she didn't move away from me.

"Yeah probably," Her smile was genuine. I walked over and got my ball and started practicing till the final bell rang.

Finally, gym was over. I felt so relieved that the day was coming to an end. I walked into my house and attempted to sneak up the stairs but Charlie stopped me halfway there.

"Bells! You're here!" He smiled at me and got off the couch to give me a hug.

"Yeah." My expression was blank.

"How was your first day?"

I sighed. "Exhausting."

"It only gets worse from here." He joked as he walked back to the couch.

I walked the rest of the stairway, sulking. I sat down on my bed, hoping to get some rest, but I realized the pile of homework I needed to do.

As I finished, I set it down next to me and fell asleep just like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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