𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. looks of disappointment

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eighteen. looks of disappointment

LE'AH DIDN'T WANT TO THINK OF THE LECTURE THE THREE WERE ABOUT TO BE GIVEN AS THEIR IKRANS LANDED. The Sully girl unmounted Menari, petting the creature's head as Tuk rushed over, calling for their mom. Neytiri opened her arms, having Tuk wrap her arms around her waist, "Tuk, Tuk, Tuk," The woman chanted her youngest daughter's name.

Le'ah smiled at the interaction, watching as her little sister's head untucked from her mom's hold and moved to her bigger sister's eyes. Tuk smiled warmly, running towards Le'ah. The teenage girl crouched down to the girl's level, enveloping Tuk in her embrace, "hey, Tuk," Having it being her first time participating in a mission, she knew how worried her little sister was bound to be about losing her older sister. Le'ah was thankful that Kiri had been there, watching over the youngest.

If Le'ah was known for something, it was her love and protectiveness towards her family. It probably contributed to why the girl would get herself in a lot of trouble, inevitably because of Lo'ak most of the time as well as herself, being the older twin. Though, she and Lo'ak shared the same amount of trouble they got in—but Le'ah took a lot of the blame, not wanting to throw her younger twin under the bus. Just wanting to keep him safe from the disappointment of their father.

However, when one of them got in trouble, both of them did. Le'ah and Lo'ak were inseparable—a package deal if you will. Whatever one of them went through, the other felt the same. Whether it was their emotions or pain, their punishment: they shared it together. And, if they were honest, they wouldn't want it any other way. It made them feel like they had someone. Even when they felt the disappointment lurking from their father or being an outcast, they knew they'd always have each other.

Le'ah got up from her crouched position when her father called out for the three kids, "fall in!" She sighed deeply, preparing herself for the lecture they were about to be given. No matter how many times they had been talked to, they'd always feel ashamed. Le'ah despised it yet still continued with her foolish acts, "you're supposed to be spotters! You spot bogeys and call them in. From a distance! Does any of this sound familiar? Get here!"

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