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Silence fell upon the two females. While Silver had left to take care of Hinto's dislocated shoulder, Lunis had been unwillingly left on guard duty. As she took a quick glance around, the Huntress decided to occupy herself by cleaning the den; some of the herbs had begun to rot, while others needed to be properly cleaned and dried, while some of the pelts needed to be changed. A small groan rumbled Lunis' throat; isn't Sunny supposed to keep the place clean and organized?

Putting aside the thought for later, Lunis began by sweeping away the plants and fur residue loitering the ground, then proceeded to reorganize the medicine; ointments and balms in one pile, dried herbs and seeds in another. As she continued with her work however, the female began to feel a little uneasy; tucked in the corner of the den, the rogue had been intently staring at Lunis' every move all the while remaining completely silent.

''Are you his apprentice?'' A heartbeat passed before Lunis understood it was the silver rogue who had spoken. She gazed over her shoulder, feeling a little awkward.

''No... I uhm, I like to keep myself occupied so might as well make myself useful.'' As silence once again fell between the two, the Huntress decided to turn her attention towards the pup. "How is it?

- She's barely half a quarter moon old*." The rogue's eyes became soft with adoration at the mention of her pup. "She's been such brave girl." A gentle lick grazed the small scraps head as it squeaked and wriggled its way further into its mother's fur.

"Seems you've both gone through a lot." Lunis hesitantly added, still feeling uneasy.

The silver female nodded. "I only wish for her to grow strong and healthy, away from the life I had... I'll do whatever it takes." The last words were growled through clentched teeth, fueled by an unwavering will to protect her young.

Lunis gazed down in wonder, feeling a wave of admiration bloom for the rogue. "Do you... have a name?" The words rolled hesitantly off her tongue as a strange question nagged the back of her mind; do rogues even have names?

"Echo. Her's-" the rogue gestured to her pup. "Is Zira.

- Oh, that's a pretty name." The Huntress responded, still trying to hide her strange discomfort.

It was then she noticed something odd about Echo, more specifically about her pelt. In the few times Lunis had encountered rogues on the Northern Territory, they've always had the same look; scrawny, malnourished and disheveled. Echo, despite the many healing wounds from her ordeal, didn't seem malnourished at all and her coat seemed to be very well kept.

A pang of suspicion began to bloom in Lunis' chest, urging her to ask; "How long have you been a rogue?"

Echo's eyes seemed to squint at the Huntress' question, too quick for Lunis to discern what emotion hid behind those eyes.

Echo's answer came out calm and calculated. "Only a few moons."

Lunis nodded briefly in response as her doubt continued to nip the back of her mind. Something isn't adding up...

"I better not hear from you for another quarter moon!" Silver's rusty voice echoed from outside the chamber, breaking the heavy silence between the two females as he entered. "Pfft, pups, absolute pups, the two of 'em!'' The old male hobbled into the den, ears flattened angrily against his skull as he continued to mumble more insults before he sat by the medicine station then turned to Lunis, a gleam of gratitude shining behind his eyes. ''My gratitude for cleaning the den Luni. I am pleased to see some wolves here have more maturity than others!

- Your welcome, Silver.'' Forcing her suspicions aside, Lunis schooled herself back into neutrality, ignoring Echo's unrelenting stare. ''I'll go see if Navira needs me for anything.'' The elder gave a simple growl as acknowledgement, dismissing the young Huntress to continue with her duties.

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