Chapter 1: awakened the wolf

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There once was a man named Julian Finn, who had a job as a paranormal investigator. Always having wanted to be one, Julian was delighted to finally get the job. After many months and quite a few adventures Julian and his co-workers received a call from a park ranger, who reported hearing strange voices, and what looked like an oversized pale white wolf with bright yellow eyes. The ranger apologized for not getting a good look at the beast, but told the investigators that he could let them into the park after hours. Excited, Julian convinced his team to delay their other planned investigation and get to finding out what exactly this wolf-like creature was. They packed up their stuff and headed out to the park.

After a forty-two minute drive the group of three arrived at the park. It took them another ten to get to the location the park ranger reported seeing the creature. In a large wooden area was a spread of cabins, all of which were unoccupied according to the ranger. 
“Let’s get to searching. The sun goes down in a couple of hours. Let’s get as much searching done with natural light as possible.”
The three searched until the sun set. 
“Lights out.”
They pulled out their floodlight flashlights and continued to search, spirit boxes and recording devices on and listening to every sound. After half an hour of searching and finding nothing, the group had a quick conversation. Eventually they decided to split ways, promising each other that they’d keep their radios tuned and on in case of emergency.
Julian headed deep into the trees, flashlight illuminating the dark ground. The only sound was of the leaves crunching underfoot. 
Julian tripped on a tree root and fell to the ground. With many loud crunches, he heard the sound of his expensive paranormal equipment breaking. His flashlight flickered and went out. 
In the silence left by the absence of the spirit box hissing Julian heard something.
He listened, and the sound seemed to grow louder. Whispers in a language Julian had never heard before. The voice didn’t sound human. Standing carefully, Julian picked up his flashlight. He could tell by the faint light of the full moon that his equipment was damaged beyond repair. 
Julian froze, listening. 
“Julian… Julian…”
Shaking the flashlight, Julian turned it back on, pointing it in the direction the voice was coming from. 
“W-Who’s there?”
The bushes seemed to explode. Julian tried to run but the creature was upon him. White fur, gleaming yellow eyes, sharp fangs….
Julian screamed and tried to get away. He stumbled a few feet, adrenaline pumping through his veins. 
It was pain as he’d never felt it. Teeth dug into his flesh, ripping his skin open. Everything was spinning, the full moon shining down from above.
His co-wokers, having heard his screams, were crouching above him, looking terrified. 
“Julian, are you alright? What happened?”
Julian staggered to his feet, feeling dizzy and lightheaded.
“I-I don’t know,” he said, swaying on the spot. He started to tremble. 
“Let’s get you into one of the cabins-”
Julian collapsed, having fainted on his feet.

It was one in the morning when Julian awoke. He woke suddenly, sweating and in terrible pain. The pain was so bad that he wanted to scream. He tried not to, but couldn’t keep it in. He let out an agonizing scream that echoed off of the walls of the hospital room. The door opened and two nurses stepped in, but Julian didn’t notice. The pain was growing worse by the moment.
Julian was on his hands and knees, one hand gripping his chest. He ground his teeth together in an attempt to prevent screaming again.
His teeth seemed to be changing, growing larger, sharper. He sprouted a tail and ears and grew fur. He was transforming, his eyes wide, the pupils thin and oval shaped. As he increased size the hospital gown split, tearing into pieces. The nurses stared in shock, each frozen in place. Julian’s screams had turned from an anguashed cry to something resembling a wolf’s howl.
He leapt from the bed, no longer completely human. His yellow eyes gleamed as he leapt out of the bed and ran towards the nurses. His claws ripped into one of their chests, easily tearing through the soft flesh. 
The other nurse turned and ran. He grabbed a phone and dialed 911. Julian leapt after him, an unhumanly roar escaping his throat. It took two swipes to dispatch the man. People were screaming and running, attempting to get away from Julian. 
He was on a rampage, roaring and destroying everything in his path. Any people that were in his way were killed without a second thought. 
At last the police arrived with all of the vehicles they could, fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances to take people in critical contition to the next nearest hospital. Julian ran towards the noise of the sirens, momentarily blinded by the flashing lights. The cops were surrounding him, guns drawn and pointed at him.
“Get down!”
Julian roared and reared on his back feet. The police opened fire. Most of the bullets missed, but one grazed his shoulder, causing him to stumble, howling in pain. Now more angry than ever, Julian leapt at the nearest officer and attacked, splitting him in half with his sharp teeth. He finished off the man by crushing him with his back paws as he raced out of the automatic sliding doors and into the night, blood streaming down his injured shoulder. 
The remaining police quickly got into their cars and began to pursue him as he ran through the streets, causing more chaos and destruction along the way. Ahead of him the woods appeared, and Julian ran towards them, the light from the full moon glinting in his eyes. 
One of the officers fired his gun, sending a bullet into Julian’s upper back. He tripped and fell, tumbling down a sharp incline. He landed in a shallow pond, hitting his head on a rock, the blow knocking him unconscious.

The unconscious man lay faceup in the dirty water, completely naked save for his fluffy wolf ears and tail. The water around the man was a rusty red. The small bat that had been studying this odd sight flew away only to transform into a human a couple feet away. The man walked back to the pond and the man laying inside. He bent over and scooped the man up and carefully carried him to the heart of the forest, where a small cabin lay hidden.
The man began to clean up the other, wiping away blood, patching his wounds, and cleaning scrapes. Once he’d finished that, he wrapped him in a blanket and laid him beside the fire to warm him up.

Julian woke up a few hours later in an unfamiliar place. He felt warm and comfortable, but the unfimiliarity of the place made him wary. It took him a few moments to notice the man in the next room over. This man had his back turned and seemed to be doing something; cooking by the looks of it. From what Julian could see, the man seemed to be wearing an old fashioned tuxedo with coattails. As Julian watched him, the man looked over his shoulder and into his eyes. 
The man had pale skin, pointed ears, and blood-red eyes. 
“Oh, hey there,” he said, revealing sharp, white teeth. “I assume you’re hungry?” He walked over with a bowl in his hands, his face emotionless. “Beef soup. You must be hungry. Eat up.”
Julian sat up, wrapping the blanket around himself to cover his nudity. “Well… thanks…” He took the bowl and began to eat, only now realizing just how hungry he was. 
“You’re welcome,” the man said, getting down on one knee. “By the way, what is your name?”
“Oh,” Julian said, looking up into the man’s eyes. “My name is Julian… who are you?”
“Me? Call me Charles. I am a vampire. Welcome to our village.”
“Yes. Our village is ment to unite all supernatural beings and show humanity that we are not bloodthirsty monsters.”
“I’m not a monster,” Julian said, setting the spoon down. 
Charles pursed his thin lips. “It appears that you got bit by a werewolf, thus changing you into one.”
Julian looked at his arm, which had been stitched up at the hospital but was now stitchless and bleeding. His arm, shoulder, and back suddenly seemed to be alive with pain. The soup had rid him of his tiredness, and he could no longer ignore it. 
“Dammit,” he growled, trying to grab his arm. The blanket slipped and fell down, but Julian wasn’t concerned about his nudity, rather the pain that burned like hellfire all throughout his body. 
“Where does it hurt?” Charles asked, moving the half finished bowl of soup aside. 
“Everywhere!” Julian moaned, tears swimming in his eyes. “My arm, my shoulder, my back! Augh, my fucking back!”
“You need some more rest,” Charles said calmly. “You’ve been through a lot recently, haven’t you?”
Julian shook his head, trying to blink the tears away. He would love to sleep, but with the pain this intense there was no way he could manage it. “It hurts too much to sleep!”
Charles got up and came back with a glass of a reddish-pink liquid. “Here, drink this. It will help.”
Julian was in too much pain to argue, so he took the cup and drained it. The pain began to lessen instantly, his body growing numb. Julian was extremely tired now. He laid down on the hearth rug, no blaket to cover his nude body. 
“Goodnight, Julian,” Charles said, grabbing a handful of blankets and wrapping the man in them.
“G…night…” Julian mumbled, eyelids drooping. He fell asleep not moments later, warm and comfortably wrapped in warm blankets beside the fire.

Call of the nightfall (a gerasberg vampire n werewolf au)Where stories live. Discover now