Chapter one

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In the one singular part of the universe where there was nothing but emptiness, there was something odd happening, the radiation from the all stars from billions of miles away started to combine. As they were fusing there was a very bright light coming from it, then the light flickered out as a fishy smell filled the area. A mega being born, it had big red claws, a funky looking face, and a creepy voice. It thought to itself for a moment, until it formed words out of nothing! It decided to name itself Todd, he was a mega crab, no ordinary crab because he could control things. He then adventured out into the universe, so many planets and stars. He had a plan and he knew exactly what to do.

On planet FH1Z3 there were a ton of regular crabs roaming the planet, if you look closer the whole planet was consisted of only crabs. Todd saw these as his children or an army of some sort. So he took three fourths of the crabs off of the planet and put them on a vacant rock planet he made from remnants of asteroids. They were all confused and crawling around. Todd granted them speech, the first words all of them said was, "Uncle!" Uncle? Todd thought, what does that mean? Does that mean they see me as a leader? he thought again. All the crabs beneath him started bowing to him showing him that they see him as an upper! He liked that word they called him. Uncle he thought to himself again and again, Uncle, Uncle!, that's it!!! he thought. Uncle Todd is what he shall be called, that will show his power.

"I shall be called Uncle Todd!!!" He yelled, "But.." he said, "I need an assistant," He stated staring down at all the crabs begging for them to be his assistant, they all wanted him so bad. But only one caught his eye, she was beautiful. With his power of telekinesis he picked her up and brought her very close to him, Uncle Todd is about 100 times the size of a normal ordinary crab so he multiplied how big she was and gave her the power of love. "I choose you and I shall name you.." he thought again, what should I name her he thought. Oh yes! That's it! Tonya, it's like my name but more girly. "I shall name you Tonya," He said flashing his creepy smile at her. And she smiled back, he fell in love, but he shall not tell her yet, he needs to make something for her.

"Go, and rule over this planet, make certain crabs fall in love with other crabs and have Crabbets! Let our planet thrive with life! I trust you to rule it and turn it into a great community, as our legacy stays through them," Uncle Todd said to Tonya, "Wait... I have uncle in front of my name to show my power, but you need one too. I think... Aunt! Aunt Tonya sounds so good!" He yelled as he let out his demonic laughter. Aunt Tonya grinned, "I like it when you laugh like that Uncle Todd," She gushed. "Please, call me Todd" He said winking at her. "Okay then Todd," She replied, "Now excuse me as I go do something," He said as he vanished into thin air, teleporting to the most vast and empty part of the universe.

Uncle Todd got to work, he crashed asteroids together, vacant planets, and even used radiation, and many substances to create something very special for Aunt Tonya. It was her own little crabby palace, he was very proud of his work. He teleported back to her, holding her claw he looked into her eyes, "Come with me Aunt Tonya I have something very important to show you," He said as they teleported to the palace, "It's all yours, I made it for you, because I love you Aunt Tonya," Uncle Todd said shyly, "Oh Todd, call me Tonya, and I love you too. That demonic laugh I just, I love it so much," She said yarning for him. "Oh you," He said as he kissed her on her crab lips as he held her crab head with his claw. "I love you so much, lets float above our planet and sleep until we feel crabby," He said, "Yes," She agreed. They both teleported back and fell asleep guarding the planet of crabs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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