Power Couple

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Onto the next one. I should take a breather. I am not going to, tho.

Coming home from a 12-hour shift to start writing can't be good for one's health. Fun tho


"Hipper, Hey Hipper!" Shouted the Kommandant from across the street in the centre of the Iron Blood naval base. Many ship girls minded their own business.

"Haah?, What do you want, idiot!" A confused Admiral Hipper, Big sister of Prinz Eugen, shouted back.

"Are the rumours true?" He continued to shout, not even bothering to approach Hipper or care about the many eyes starting to stare at the two.

"....What rumours?" Hipper had a bad feeling about this.

"Is it true that Prinz Eugen stole your breasts?" He says, trying not to laugh

"....WHAT!" Hipper flinches and screams in a fury, steam practically coming out of her ears.

The Kommandant finally loses it, laughs, and runs away, leaving a steaming Hipper behind.

"That insufferable little...fuc... idiot!" Looking down at her chest with a sigh.

From any outsider's point of view, What the Kommandant had just done may have been considered cruel and hurtful, but between best friends? That's when they can say whatever they like and get away with it, knowing it's not meant to be taken to heart.

An amused and panting Kommandant had finally stopped running, unsure if Hipper had decided to chase him. Then, caught off guard, he was lifted by the back of his uniform and turned to face the very unamused faces of the Bismarck sisters.

"Well, It was a good day while it lasted", He said in defeat.

"I have had enough of this, Kommandant!" Bismarck says in sheer annoyance. She was dragging him by his collar to her office, an equally annoyed Tirpitz following behind, A look of pity still in her eyes like she knew something he didn't.

Once he was pulled into Bismarck's office by Bismark herself, he was shoved into one of the two chairs as she went around her ornate wooden desk and sat down. Tirpitz quietly walked around the desk and stood beside her seated sister.

Both parties were silent as the Kommandant and Bismarck had a staring contest until Bismarck decided to break it.

"I have good news for you, Kommandant," Bismarck said flatly.

"Nothing about this says good news. On the contrary, I feel like I'm on trial here."

Bismarck reaches under her desk and opens a drawer, pulling out a small box and pushing it towards him.

"Bismarck, I'm flattered, really, but this is way too sudden!" He gasps in mock flattery.

Tirpitz giggles behind her hand, and Bismarck is certainly not laughing. Instead, she stands suddenly, slamming her hands onto her desk, causing it to strain under her assault. Tirpitz goes silent again.

"!...Kommandant That is an Oath Ring, but it is not for me, no, no... It's for you to give to Hipper."

The Kommandant blinked at her a few times, taking in what she said.

"I'm sorry?"

"I will not repeat myself," Bismarck says with little patience, deciding to sit back down.

He looks between the two sisters, One is glaring, and one is staring blankly at him.

"Why would I give an Oath Ring to Hipper?" He barks out, Unamused himself, but he feels he knows what they are thinking.

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