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To start this off, my rules when it comes to this book. 

I will not write:

Smut- This is the same as my other books, I'm still not comfortable writing it.

Rape- I will not write anything graphic but there may be mentions of it.

Incest- Do I have to explain this one? We're not in Alabama here.

Pedophilia- If this confuses you then you need serious help. 

Anything that is reader insert- I hate those types so I will not write it.

Things I will write, not limited to:






Requesting fanfics:

When you request please be as specific as you can, that way I can write what you wanted. All I need is the plot, a ship if any, and any specific details you want added. I will make my own decisions if you do not specify anything.

When wanting to request for this book, you have some options. 

DM me your request

Use google forms using this link:

The link will also be in my bio. 

My last note before I actually get into the book:

If there are any oneshots in this book than you think would make a good book, don't hesitate to tell me. I might agree and turn the oneshot into a book. 

Steve Suptic OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now