The Songbird(Chap.1)

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The glimmering street lights of the city sidewalk shown down on him as he made his way back to his house. After months of unsuccessful song ideas an episode of binge drinking is just what Zoro needed to solidify his failure. It's been a year since he's released a song and people were starting to forget who he was. With his overgrown hair, dark eyebag, and deep scar over his eye he started to get recognized less and less. It didn't help that with his old age came a pair of small square framed black glasses to help with his eyesight. Well his one eye, you get it. The only thing that kept him sane, drinking. He was the opposite of what you call a lightweight but when he wanted to get drunk he knew how to do it and tonight was no exception. He shoved his hands in his pockets while his head faced the ground and closed his eye. The sidewalk was empty this time of hour. No one around. A place for him and his thoughts. He did this often when he walked home. Since no one recognized him he had no need for security, even if people did recognize him he could protect himself if needed. He found himself walking home alone for a while now. So long that he knows where some people camp out overnight in the alleys. He didn't bother to make friends with them, he found no need. He walked farther and farther from the bar he had exited with his three golden earring clanking as he walked. As he neared towards his house he heard a melody that caught his ear. He wanted to find out where that tune was coming from. He opened his eye and pushed his glasses up adjusting them just the way he likes it. He kept his left hand inside his pocket and let the other roam free. He got closer to the melody the more he walked. He soon found where the song was coming from. Sitting at the steps of a storefront was a long blonde haired man humming a tune with a cigarette stuck between his lips. His hair gently laid to the right side of his face revealing his ocean blue eyes. His eyebrow curled at the beginning and straighten out towards the end, the opposite of his sexuality. He was wearing a black suit with a royal blue button down underneath, Zoro had assumed he had come from work.

"Hey curly brows!" Zoro got his attention. The man's humming had stopped. He took a breath in and smoke escaped from his lips when he exhaled. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and placed in between his thumb and pointer finger. The man looked up at Zoro who was now standing right in front of him.

"Can I help you?"

"That song. Where's it from?"

"Curious huh? I wrote it." Zoro was taken aback by this. He had never seen this man before in his life. With a song like that he would have expected that a big time celeb wrote it.

"You serious?" Zoro raised an eyebrow.

"100% my genuine writing. I wrote it a week or two ago."

"You some small time celeb?"

"Nope. Just a chef at a restaurant." Zoro was even more intrigued by this man.

"What inspires you?"

"Song artists, songs on the radio."

"Like who?"

"You, haha." Zoro paused  for a moment in shock. No one had recognized him in months. Was this guy serious?

"Are you fucking with me?"

"I have no reason to, Roronoa Zoro. I'm Sanji by the way." He held out his hand to Zoro expecting a formal handshake. There was a moment of tension between them. A mix of surprise, confusion, and all around what the fuck is happening for Zoro. A few seconds go by while Sanji's hand sits in the wind risen to Zoro. He grabs his hand firmly with both palms engulfing Sanji's petite bone structure. 

"Sanji," Zoro said. His head hung low on his shoulders. He hated being seen as desperate or needy by others especially people he just met. 

"Will you-" He rose his head slightly, just enough so that there eyes meet. He looked at Sanji with his dark eye glossed over.

"Will you come write songs for me." The world was quiet. For a moment. The wind blew with the struck of twilight. It traveled through his green locks of hair just as well as it went through Sanji's long blonde locks. He sat there for a moment waiting for his reply. His head hung low again, expecting him to get rejected. The bigger dread for him was that he became vulnerable for a moment just to ask someone to work for him. Their hands were still clasped together even though many moments had passed. After what felt like an eternity for Zoro his ears perked up when he heard Sanji speak. 

"I'll tell my boss i'm leaving in the morning." Zoro's head picked up again. Looking at Sanji face to face once more. He smiled at the green haired idiot, who wouldn't want to admit it but, he was showing a little smile too.

"You know, it's crazy that you knew who I was. I haven't been recognized in quite awhile." Zoro said smirking off his slight smile. He had let go of Sanji's hand and had sat next to him on the steps of the store front. The marble steps of this French restaurant made an excellent background for their first encounter.   

"When I heard your song "Deep Scars" on the radio for the first time I fell in love with the song. It inspired me to listen to the rest of your songs." Deep Scars was the last song the Zoro had released. Over a year ago. Sanji placed his already disintegrated cigarette in the ashtray that was left at the lip of the window sill of the restaurant. He had a feeling he wouldn't be needing it for awhile.      

"Cool song to supposedly end my career off with huh? haha." They sat there for awhile together. Talking about the odds and ends of songwriting to asking Zoro what it's like as a celebrity. As the sun started to peek out behind the night sky Zoro stood up and brushed off his pants and the back of his thighs. 

"I better get going. I have to go back into the studio tomorrow. Well, today." Zoro let out a little chuckle as Sanji gave him a small smile. 

"Wanna meet up later tonight to discuss plans moving forward?" Sanji said pulling out a box of death and placing a new cigarette between his lips.

"Same place at 10?" Zoro said pushing his hair back. The sun rose behind him as he said his departing words for the morning. 

"It's a date then."  

A/N: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never written a non x reader fic before. Okay thats a lie but this is the first one i've written seriously. If you are reading this from one of my other stores i love you and thank you for reading this one. I hope to update this story at a good pace. Maybe new chapter every couple of days??? I don't know but thank you for reading and I hope you read on to the next chapters when I post them. 💗                                    

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