Baby it's cold outside

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Alice drove alone down a long road in her black bmw.

She was on her way to a big job opportunity that awaited for her in Arizona.

She looked down at the clock.


It was so late and she had been driving all day and night, she needed something to keep her eyes open.

It must have been luck because a Small convenient store came into view.

She pulled into the driveway and got out walking into the small store.

The door was unlocked and the lights were on but as she looked around she didn't see anybody in the store.

"Hello?.." she called out.

A few moments later a blond man walked up to the counter moving behind it.

His name tag said Vic.

He didn't look amused.

Alice nervously cleared her throat.

"U-um y'all are still open right?"

Vic just stared.

"Does it look like we are open?".

Alice awkwardly walks towards the isle's avoiding anymore awkward interaction between the two.

She scanned the shelves.

The store had a little bit of everything.

She looked around getting a glimpse of a man near the deli section behind the counter.

He had long brown hair with some white through it, his eyes were such a vibrant purple, his was perfect.

Thicc and built just right.

She walks over trying to hide the light blush painting her cheeks.

"Hello little lady how can I help you?" He gave a comforting smile.

She blushed even more.

"O-oh I'm just looking around, I've never been in this store before".

He nodded.

"Not from around here huh? Can't say I've seen you before"

Alice shook her head slightly.

"I'm just driving through, I'm actually supposed to be heading to Arizona"

He seemed surprised.

"Arizona? Your a bit out of the way aren't ya" he smiled again.

"Well let me know if there is anything I can help with"

Alice smiled and nodded stepping away and walking towards the freezer section in search of coffee.

She picked out a cold mocha and walked to the counter purchasing it.

Hunting Season (TateFrost x Female Oc) 18+Where stories live. Discover now