Chloe & Felix headcanons

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Welcome to my new story! Enjoyyyyy


- Felix takes lots of photos. Like A LOT. Chloe always wonders how he stores all of them in a single photo album

-all of the forces of nature shipped Chloe and Felix since they first met felix.

Marcus: what if I use one of my arrows on them???

Harper: don't waste one of your arrows on them. we all know its gonna happen eventually. So why waste one?

When Chloe and Felix told them they were dating marcus and Harper yelled of joy as mondo handed them each 20 bucks.

-Chloe has really long hair and Felix just likes to play with it. No reason why, he just likes to fiddle with it.

-Chloe and Felix's first kiss was on the roof of Felix's house. They were just sitting up there one night and then it just, happened. (I might write a chapter about it if y'all want)

-Felix comes up with a billion different names to call Chloe. Example: Flower, ms. lovesalty, Weather girl.

-Chloe loves harpers pet snake, Felix says he sometimes questions if she loves the snake more than him.

-Felix once tagged along on one of Chloe's missions and it was wild as fuck. Mondo got into a illegal wrestling competition, something ended up being blown up and Harper tried to drive a car.

-Felix and Chloe went to their first school dance together. They both had to deal with each of their moms getting emotional along with Jackie, (Felix's big sister) laughing her ass of in the background.

-Chloe works part time at a florist shop and Felix works part time at a comic book/skateboard store.

-Chloe and Felix have a long lasting pinball rivalry. Who ever scores the least points buys dessert.

-Felix plays on a hockey team and Chloe goes to every single one of his games.

-They hold hands all the time, on the way to school, on the way back, basically almost everywhere.

-They hang out at the lake every summer.

- Jackie calls them the two lovebirds.

-Chloe never got the chance to look around town so Felix showed her around one weekend.

-the two once drove to Malibu one summer to celebrate Felix getting his drivers license.

-Felix tried on Chloe's Ballet shoes once. He says he'll just stick to helping her practice.

Felix: Chloe how do you even dance in these things?

-Spend hours talking to each other.

-Chloe makes flower crowns for felix cuz he can't grow flowers in his hair like her.


That's all I got for now!


Don't be shy go to the comments. *cue death stare* don't be shy :)

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