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*All photos are from pinterest*


Heeseung's POV

I woke before everyone else did, I usually wake up before everyone but today was different as I woke up very early and couldn't go back to sleep so I ended up lying in my bed for hours

I decided that sense I'm awake I might as well go head and cook or work on a few things we have coming up

I usually don't cook but I guess my Omega instincts are kicking in for today, man I should probably go and see Iseul today because I'm running out of pills and I think my heat is coming soon so I need something for that as well

If you didn't know or couldn't tell so far, I'm a Omega, I have been hiding my scent and holding off my heat since I got news that I was going to be debuting

It's really bad for my health and I know that but I love this job and I can't lose it

Bang PD knows about this and he said that I can't let it infer with my work but that if I needed time off and ever needed something that I could have it but he also said I have to be careful

I went ahead and started cooking before anyone is awake so that I can have some peace and quiet

I cooked a simple breakfast, which just so happened to be Bossam ( Korean Pork Belly ) which I know they all love

After I was done cooking I fixed myself two little portions of food, and left a note telling them all that I would be gone for a while and to enjoy breakfast

I knocked on the door of Iseul's office knowing that no matter how early it is that his here

"Come in!" I hear him shout through the door

"You really shouldn't just say come in without knowing who is there" I say as I walk into his office giving him a smile

"Heeseung!" He says giving me a bright smile while turning in his spinny chair to face me

"What are you doing here?" He asks me while he stands up and walks towards me to hug me

"I came to get more pills" I say with a small frown hugging him back

"You really should stop taking those! There bad for you" He says pulling away from the hug and giving me a small frown

"I know, and I would love to stop taking them but I haven't met my mate!" I say looking at him

"You can't find your mate while taking the pills! It blocks your scent so the only way to find your mate is to stop!" He says stilling frowning at me

"I know, but let's talk about this later and enjoy our breakfast now!" I say giving him a smile and lefting my arm to put the food on the table, trying to brighten the mood a little

"You brought me food?" He asks me very excitedly to which I just shake my head at him as a yes with a small giggle

Right before he was about to start eating, he turned to me and said "Wait, who cooked this" He saying with a questioning look on his face

I laugh at him "I did!" I say still laughing at the face he made while he dug into his food

We both started to eat and talk catching eachother up on everything that has happened since the last time we have saw eachother

Then in the middle of eating our breakfast we hear a knock at the door which makes us look at eachother

"Come in!" He shouts at the person behind the door, then the door opens to reveal the one and only Myung

"Hey ba-" He starts to say before he makes eye contact with me "Oh, hey Heeseung" He said with a smile frown

"Don't look at me like that! Did you think you would be able fuck him in his office?" I ask him with a disgusted look on my face

"I was kinda hopeing" He says a little quietly sending me a glare with a stupid smirk on his face

"IT'S FUCKING 8 AM!" I yell at him with a look of disgust on my face

"So?" He says while sitting down beside Iseul and stealing some of his food

"I no longer wanna be here, can I just get my pills and leave?"

"Heeseung you need to stop taking those!" Iseul says looking at me with a look of worry in his eyes

"I know but because of me being a idol I cant just stop!" I say looking at him with a sad look in my eyes

"Can you stop for a day and see?" Iseul says looking at me "You'll stop being tired and in pain all the time!" He says looking at me with a begging look in his eyes

"I'll stop for a day but thats it!" I say looking at him, not wanting to upset him "I don't know how I'll hide it from everyone else but I can try"

"Thank you!" He says looking at me with a bright smile on his face

"Whatever just give me the pills! I won't take any for today! I promise!" I say looking at him

"Fine" He says quietly before getting up and walking over to a locker in his office to get a new bottle of pills "Here!" He says tossing them to me "No taking ANY today!" He says to me sternly

"Ok ok! I promise I won't take any!" I say looking at him with a small smile on my face

"Good!" He says looking at me with a look of happiness and glee on his face


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Have a good day! Bye bye! I messed something up the first time I pulished this but I fixed it a while ago before editing this chapter however I have no idea what I did because I cant understand my own writing!

Words : 1027

02 / 08 / 23

Edited :

06 / 26 / 24

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