06 ; vi. ━

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LOVE NOTES© naijmi , hoyoverse

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© naijmi , hoyoverse


dec. 08 , wed.

❝ ━ VOLLEYBALL PRACTICE HAS just ended for the both, meaning that they can finally pack their things and leave this place; though it appeared that [name] had different plans. "kuni! you can stay for a little longer right? please please! i want to practice my sets just for a little longer." [name] then pleaded while grabbing scaramouche's hand, making him look away in embarrassment. at that moment, scaramouche 100% folded.

"fine, but just for a little while." scaramouche says in defeat while [name] happily skips to the court, all that scaramouche can do is sigh. though secretly he was excited to spend more time with [name], it made him feel all giddy inside (surprisingly).

scaramouche waited for [name] to throw the ball up in the air, and when he finally saw the ball in the air; he prepared himself to jump. the set lined up with his hands quite perfectly creating a strong and firm spike.

"did you see that, kuni!? we finally nailed it!" [name] happily exclaims, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "yeah we did..." scaramouche says totally out of breath, though, he was glad that they were finally able to land a perfect spike.

"can we finally go home now?" scaramouche asks, feeling quite burned out. "wait let me get changed first, you can wait outside i wont take long." [name] then rushes to the changing room while scaramouche just smiles slightly. scaramouche then grabs his things and waits just outside the changing room doors.

"im back—" [name] then stops in his place to see scaramouche just inches away from him. "what?" scaramouche responds curious to why [name] had stopped talking all of a sudden. "i thought you'd be waiting outside thats all." [name] responds acting all shy all of a sudden making scaramouche chuckle slightly.

"i have your sweater and i didnt want you to go outside all cold, here." scaramouche carefully then placed the warmth of his sweater around his body, having him feel that warm sensation all over.

"why were you laughing at me." [name] says a bit suspiciously, as he did not like the thought of someone judging him. "nothing. dont worry about it." scaramouche says laughing slightly once again. "hey, youre just toying with me again, arent you?" [name] responds, getting all mad and stuff. though scaramouche couldnt help but smile due to his reaction.

"maybe i am." just as [name] was about to say something in response, the sight of snowflakes started to cloud his vision. "kuni look! its snowing again!" [name] then runs to the pile of snow and reaches for his bag.

his hands were fairly numb due to the cold so he decided to make use of the mittens he had received. just as scaramouche sighted the mittens, he tried his best to keep up his poker face, though he kind of failed as a faint smile was left on his face.

scaramouche then kneeled down right next to [name], though he didnt seem to notice just what exactly scaramouche was doing. [name] then finally looked to his right to see scaramouche building something that looked close to a snowman.

"are you building a snowman kuni?" [name] asked looking at the mini snow creation in curiosity. "no, definitely not." scaramouche responds struggling to keep his poker face on. you see when it came to [name] it was like that poker face of his was no longer there.

"wait scoot over a bit." [name] then poked some holes into the snowman as if it was its eyes. without saying a single word scaramouche used his fingers to draw its eyebrows to make it look overly joyful. scaramouche then laughed at the thought that it looked just like [name] with his goofy smile.

"what are you giggling at?" [name] asks pushing scaramouche a bit, though it appeared that he had pushed a little too hard that the snowman had dispersed. [name] then stood there for a few seconds in guilt before scaramouche had finally said something.

"[name]." scaramouche had said in a tone that he did not enjoy at all. "yes scaramouche?" he said completely forgetting about nicknames and such, and stuck to formalities. without warning a snowball was thrown at him, making [name] freeze due to the sudden action.

"oh." [name] then almost immediately hurried and attempted to get him back. though what he didnt expect was for you to get him directly in the head. yeah...

"kuni! wait are you alright?" [name] shouts, rushing over to his body lying comfortably in the snow. but he doesnt say a word, not one.

"look if your mad at me just say it." but in all honesty he wasnt, he got embarrassed due to the fact that [name]s hands were shockingly cold making him tense up. but just as scaramouche was about to answer the sound of a door creaking open was heard.

"oh [name]! you decided to visit, come in i cooked something just for you!" ms. ei then appears dragging [name{ inside the house completely disregarding the fact that scaramouche was present.

i have seem to forgotten that you play volleyball. ive been to all of your games, you seem so happy while playing. ive studied all of the positions in the sport, and you play as the setter, right? you must play amazingly seeing as scaramouche hits your sets perfectly. ( surprised he can jump that high for such a small guy!] i always have new reasons to admire you; i adore everything about you. the way you smile when you and scaramouche land a point on the opposite team, your smirk when you scored with a setter dump. i think i'm falling for you more than i should have, i hope you'll catch me when i fall.

 i think i'm falling for you more than i should have, i hope you'll catch me when i fall

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☆'' LOVE NOTES !    
ARE HARD ( according to crystal )
also thank crystal for writing literally

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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