Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Zoey Turns. A master manipulator. A snake. A deceiver. The popular girl who could walk all over anyone–and she knew it. However, her newfound fame didn't come so easily. She started out just like everyone else–a total nobody. A loner. A loser. A freak.

But then, when all seemed lost, a young man by the name of Drew Rodriguez saved her. He accepted her into the world of fame and popularity. For the first time in her life, Zoey felt like she belonged. But to her, simply belonging wasn't enough.

Thanks to her charm, charisma, and mastery at blackmail, she had risen to the top, and he too was taken advantage of.

But although the old Zoylen was gone, she certainly had not disappeared forever.

Because there was still someone who could see the truth. The good in Zoey.

The diamond in the rough.

And that somebody's name was Amelia.

But then there was another. A girl who was fully responsible for the bully that Zoey became.

The girl responsible for Zoey's sudden switch was named Stella.

Stella was ruthless. She bullied Zoey so badly to the point where Zoey nearly overdosed in the bathroom. The saddest part was that this all happened in elementary school. Zoey nearly killed herself in elementary school. It would have been easier if it had been during middle school, but now the trauma from those years still lingered. Still haunted Zoey. It had haunted her for so long. Even though it had been more than seven years since it happened. Stella was a bitch to her.

And to make matters worse, Stella is joining this school. And she will be an enemy to Zoey. Just as much as Stella was an enemy to her in elementary school. They have nothing in common but their mutual hatred, and while Stella might hate her guts now, after they graduate high school, she has no intention to leave Zoey alone once college starts. Her only intention is to ruin Zoey's life. There is no way Stella is leaving her in peace. She won't stop until Zoey kills herself and succeeds. That is something Stella is certain of. She won't give up. She just won't give it a rest. And that's the last thing Zoey needs right now.
"Hey Zoey!" Stella called from across the foyer. Speak of the devil and she doth appear. Zoey wanted to sob. Drew already broke up with her, the last thing she needs is some bully.
Zoey noticed something different. Stella wasn't alone. Usually it's just Stella picking on Zoey, but now Stella had two other girls by her side: Juniper and Tessa. They seemed almost as mean and cruel as she was.

"Screw off, why don't you," Zoey replied. "You guys are bullies and I don't want anything to do with either of you, get a clue."
Juniper smiled at her cunningly. "You're not getting off the hook that easily," she said slyly. Stella pulled out a pair of scissors. Before Zoey could pay attention, Tessa and Juniper grabbed her so she wouldn't run away. "Time for a haircut!" Stella cackled as she violently cut Zoey's hair. Tears fell down Zoey's face as her hair was hacked off her head. When the girls were done, they let go of Zoey so she would fall to the ground. And to think that only hours before she looked so happy and carefree. Now all that was left of Zoey's former beauty were jagged and uneven split ends. A pathetic sight really. But still better than the alternative.
All three of the girls looked up and watched with glee as Zoey crumpled to the floor with tears streaming freely down her cheeks. They couldn't help themselves. Their victim was crying and screaming. They loved seeing her hurt. Stella and her posse walked off, but not before Stella kicked Zoey in the shoulder. This only made Zoey cry even harder. "How did I get here?" Zoey thought to herself. "I never deserved any of this."
When Drew saw his ex girlfriend on the floor in tears, he felt...pity. Her once long hair was much shorter. Zoey looked up and noticed that Liam and Henry were there with Drew. They were both watching Zoey with sadness on their faces, and Zoey found it hard not to cry more. 'Am I going crazy?' Zoey wondered as she tried her best to regain control of her breathing. Then she remembered what happened. She was beaten and forced into a corner. No one ever came for her. Everyone just stood there and watched as the bully took all of her stuff.
She felt anger boil inside of her. 'What the hell is wrong with these people? Why don't they try and help me or stand up for me? Why don't they do something?!' Zoey screamed inside her head. Angry tears streamed down her face as she got up and ran down the hallway. 'This whole thing is my fault!' she cried. 'Why doesn't anyone do anything to help me?!' As she raced down the hallway, she tripped over her own feet and crashed to the ground. The next thing Zoey knew, she was standing right in front Milly. The only other enemy that Zoey had was Milly, but that was for a valid reason. One that everyone already knew.

The last thing Zoey needed was for HER to appear. Zoey just wanted to escape her bullies, run back to her room and lock herself in her room and stay locked in for a couple days before coming back out and pretending everything was normal. But as usual, Milly ruined Zoey's life.
Milly gave a wicked smile to Zoey. "Well well well. If it isn't the gold digger."

Zoey wanted to cry. Again. She wanted to run away and never ever ever ever come back again. But the problem was...she couldn't. All she wanted was to get away from all those bullies, especially Stella. But Zoey knew that that wasn't possible. The second she was spotted running down the hallway, people around the school would know how pathetic she must look. "What a loser," they'd whisper. "She's such a baby," they'd say. They'd laugh at her, and mock her. Maybe she was a loser. After all, who would ever love Zoey Turns, a complete failure of a human being? And yet here she was crying in front of the pink haired devil. Zoey had no one to blame but herself. She had changed her ways, but it didn't matter. She would always be a loser. A pathetic lowlife who nobody could ever love. A worthless human being who no one would ever be interested in.
It seemed like every time the bullies caught Zoey red handed doing something bad, they'd make fun of her and remind her of the time she attempted suicide. That's why Zoey hated herself. Because nobody cared enough about her to try and save her from her tormentors. Because not even her parents had a care in the world for her. Because Milly, Hailey, Zander, and Luke made it clear that she was a total nobody. That she was not worth loving and caring for. So how could anybody love someone like her? How could anybody want to be friends with her because she's a failure and a mess. She was just a big fat waste of space with no hope of ever becoming better. A disappointment. A loser.
Zoey knew that she was nothing. Nothing but a joke. Like her father was nothing but a joke. Just as Zoey thought, when she heard laughter echoing along the corridor, she turned her head and saw that Zander came to back Milly up. "Looks like you haven't gotten any better since you tried to hang yourself in the bathroom during the Valentine's Day dance!" he cackled. At least someone else seemed to find it amusing. It was obvious that Zoey wasn't popular at school, which made everyone else's insults all the funnier.
Zoey didn't bother trying to defend herself anymore. Not anymore. The bullies were probably right anyway. They all knew she couldn't get away with anything and she should have known better. She was just so stupid that she thought that she could somehow change things. That somehow she could make others feel sorry for her. Well guess what, Zoey, the universe has decided that the only thing you need to change is how your heart is broken. Zoey looked up at them. "Leave me alone," she shouted and stormed past them, but Luke. "Nobody likes you, freak!" he said. Zoey sobbed, right there. in the middle of the room. There was nothing anybody could do to help her, not even Luke.
"Please, just leave me alone!" she whimpered and sat there crying. "What did I ever do to deserve this pain?" she thought. Milly and Zander kicked her repeatedly in the stomach, and even Drew, Liam and Henry joined in. Even they couldn't care less. "Why can't somebody just pick me apart and then put me together?" Zoey kept asking herself. 'Why am I so pathetic?' she thought as she cried louder and louder.
But suddenly the bell rang signaling the start of the lunch period. Everyone walked away from Zoey, who was now covered in bruises. Nobody cared enough about her to give her even the smallest amount of compassion or love. Until one day...

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