19 // Run Boy Run

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Everett doesn't have the energy to even form a proper sentence this morning, so he responds to Alissa's text with a meme before sliding his cell phone back into his pocket.

Since he's been living at the clubhouse, this is how most conversations go with his friends.

Alissa and Michael have yet to stop asking Everett about the status of him coming home. His responses usually range from It's complicated to Whenever Knox feels it's safe because he has no clue how long this war with The Jackals will last.

No one tells him a damn thing.

Knox hasn't seen or spoken to Everett in forty-eight hours, and the latter is too weak to reach out for an explanation of why.

Maybe this is Knox's version of giving Everett the space he'd said he needed? Who fucking knows. Time definitely goes by a hell of a lot slower when you're being ignored. Had it not been for Josie's company, Everett would've gone insane a long time ago.

What he feels right now is homesick. The temptation to run away is extremely high, but doing so would be pointless. Knox would somehow track him down and then drag him back to the clubhouse after shouting a lecture, might even lock him in a room to prevent him from escaping again. Anything's possible with that man.

"Smells good in here!" Finn strolls into the kitchen and hops onto the counter, sitting near the stove where Everett is cooking breakfast. "I like my eggs sunny side up, by the way. You fixing bacon, too?"

"For myself? Yes." Everett rolls his eyes. He flips his sausage patties over in the pan and then adds a few strips of bacon. They sizzle immediately in the hot grease. "I'm not being paid to be anyone's chef, so you can cook your own shit once I'm finished."

"Fucking hell, man. Were you born with a bitchy ass attitude? Or is it something that developed over time?" Finn teases. Everett ignores him. "You really aren't making this easy."

"What exactly am I supposed to be making easy?"

"I'm trying to cheer you up, kid. You've been walking around here looking like someone took a shit in your cereal, and it only got worse after Knox left."

"Okay? I never asked to be cheered up."

"Yeah, well, Knox ordered me to physically check on you, so that's what I'm here to do."

Everett finally looks up from the stove. "You... spoke with Knox about me? When?"

"He likes to check in every other hour, but don't tell him I told you this, or else he'll kick my ass," Finn laughs. "He's worried sick about you, though. Has been since the other night. How are you doing, by the way?"

Everett scoffs at the ridiculous question. "How do you honestly think I'm doing?"

"I don't know, smartass. That's why I'm asking," Finn grumbles. 

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