005 || Mawey, Tuk, Mawey

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The day after Ri'te's 'stunt', as Jakesully had called it, was tense. It was expected, mainly when Ri'te refused to tell their parents why she did what she did. Tuk didn't know much about the situation, but she knew that everyone was upset, especially their mother, who refused to let Ri'te out of her sight since she woke up. But to Tuk, it didn't seem that Ri'te minded the fact, secretly glowing whenever Neytiri reached out a hand, gently clasping around her arm to pull her closer, either telling her something or showing her whatever she was working on.

Tuk was happy that Ri'te was happy. She had seen the dried tears on her cheeks when Tsu'tey had brought her back, the way her arms were folded tightly around her, the crease in her brow. Tuk liked to think that when she and Lo'ak had laid with her, Ri'te released the hidden tension as she relaxed between them.

Tuk had tried not to listen too closely when their father had talked to Ri'te about what happened. Jakesully was known to have a short temper, which had made itself known when he reprimanded Ri'te, almost yelling at her. It was hard to ignore when Jakesully had called her irresponsible and reckless, saying that this was the behaviour he expected from Lo'ak, not from her. He said that she was supposed to be the levelheaded one, the one who didn't let their emotions take control of them.

Throughout this Ri'te was quiet, maintaining their father's disappointed stare as she took his harsh words. When Tuk thought back, she can clearly remember not seeing a single emotion on Ri'te's face, but her eyes held so much intensity she was surprised their father didn't notice. Ri'te stood straight, deathly still. It was strange to see her like that, to Tuk. She was used to seeing her older sister fidgeting with the strings that held her shawl closed, her thin tail flicking gently, or her ears swivelling slightly as listened to her surroundings.

Jakesully had dismissed her shortly after, muttering about not having time to deal with this, before he turned and stormed off. Ri'te had stood there, for just a moment. Her stoic facade slowly crumbled as she watched their father walk away. Her sharp gaze glued to his retreating form as silent tears softly rolled down her pale cheeks. Tuk wanted to go to her, take her hand and tell her it's okay, anything to not see her cry. But she didn't, instead, she watched as Ri'te took a deep breath and turned to walk the other way, her chin held high as she wiped her tears.

Tuk's little heart ached for her sister, she wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know how. It was never needed for Tuk to be the one to ease the pains of the heart or wipe away the tears, to offer a place to hide in her arms. Oh, but how she wanted to be.

"Tuk?" her little ears twitched. She turned around to see Lo'ak, his bow in hand and confusion written clearly on his face. Tuk smiled sweetly at him, bouncing up to him as if nothing was amiss. "Are you going hunting? Can I come? Please Lo'ak. Oh please, oh please?" Her brother seemed to be taken aback by the sudden switch in her mood, his furry brows knitting together as he gave her a suspicious look, which Tuk easily batted away with her doe eyes and honeyed smile.

Lo'ak sighed, shaking his head as a slight smile bloomed on his lips. "I'm not for going a hunt, I'm doing target practice. Wanna come? I could show you some things."

Tuk squealed in delight, nodding her head furiously. She didn't wait for Lo'ak as she sprinted in the direction of their tent, eager to get her bow. She had gotten it recently, but there hasn't really been time for her to start lessons as her siblings had, her parents were too busy trying to keep the Sky People at bay, so she would take any chances to use her bow as she can get.

She zipped past Lo'ak who had been standing at the entrance of the tent, fondly watching as Tuk stood on her tippy toes to reach her bow. Reaching to the left slightly he picked up a quiver half filled with fresh arrows, shaking his head as he followed Tuk to where she had dashed to the ikrans.

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