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Third person POV:

It's the next day yoongi and Hoseok had already arrived at school.

Jimin and Hoseok decided to get a table during breakfast and talk about stuff like how Jungkook and jimin are doing, little stuff like that.
"Hoseokkk hurryy we are going to be late the bell rung already!" Jimin shouted worried to Hoseok because he didn't want to set a bad example on their new teacher already.

"Jimin I'm going to skip I don't feel like going to class today." Hoseok said walking towards the restrooms. "Seok really???, fine I'll give you the notes later!"said jimin hurrying to his class.
In Class
Jimin's POV:
I made it, when i walked in I went towards my desk while Mr.Kim was still taking attendance, Phew. "Park jimin?" Mr.Kim said looking at his roster. "Here!" I said with my hand in the air. "Jung Hoseok?" he said this time, "Jung hoseok?" He said again, no response. "Ok absent."

After the lesson Mr.Kim called out to me to stay after class. "Park do you know why Hoseok didn't show up to my class today? I know he is skipping my class, it says here that he always skips. Is this true?" Mr.Kim said.

"Oh uh I don't know why he didn't come to your class sir. And I don't know if he skipped."
Jimin lied

"Hm okay. When you see Hoseok can you tell him to come to my class?" Mr.Kim asked.
"Well okay, that's if I see him." I responded
"Thank you Park" Mr.Kim thanked. "Your welcome!"
Third person POV:

After that jungkook and jimin decided to go eat lunch together. While they were walking to the cafeteria jimin saw Hoseok so he called out to him."SEOKKKKK" jimin yelled to get Hoseoks attention and it worked.

"Huh?" Hoseok said confused as he saw jimin walking his way. "Mr.Kim was asking for you, he said if I saw you to tell you to go to his class, I don't know why but he wanted me to tell you." Jimin told Hoseok. "Oh okay, hopefully I don't get in trouble.." Hoseok said worried for himself.
In the class
Hoseok's POV:

I walk towards my home room class scared on what will happen. Will I get in trouble?, will I get suspended?, I kept thinking the worst until I stood in front of the door, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door waiting for a response.

"Come in!" I heard a voice, I'm pretty sure it was Mr.Kim's. I open the door and he greets me. "Hoseok please take a seat in front of my desk" Mr.Kim says, I walk towards the seat and sit down imagining the worst.

Taehyung's POV:
I wait until Hoseok sits down so I can start talking, after he does I start. "Hoseok do you know why I called you here?" I asked. "No, no I don't know why." He responded.

"Okay, I called for you here to discuss your grades, and behavior." I told, "hmm okay" he said looking at the window . He looks like he really doesn't care a bit about his grades.

"Hoseok you are failing this class, if you don't start putting effort in your grades you won't be able to advance to the next grade level you know?"I said

"Yeah I know. I'll find a way to pass" he said.

"A way? The only way you will pass is attending class and getting higher grades." Does this kid not know how school works??

"Look Sir, are we done talking about my grades?? I don't care I'll find a way. Trust me. If I don't I'll just tell a kid to pass me answers."
Hoseok said getting up ready to leave

Hoseok's POV:
Ugh Im leaving, I don't want to hear anything about my grades or behavior I know how I act, I know what grades I get I. don't. Care.

Just when I was leaving I felt a hand grab my arm and push me down on the seat, "OW!" "THAT HURT STUPID!" I yelled as I retreated my arm.

"First of all, who do you think you are to be calling me stupid? Huh??" Mr.Kim said

"I'm sorry sir, It just hurt a lot!" "Plus you can't be touching me!!" I yelled back.

"Yes, I'm sorry about that." "But I didn't give you permission to leave, I haven't finished talking." He said. "You know,I also hate kids that misbehave, so if you get another referral from ANY other teacher, I will show you discipline." He said in a scary tone.

"Okay..can I leave now?" I asked

"You are dismissed, don't forget what I said trust me you won't like what will happen after." He told me
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