{2} Compulsion | Part 2

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Sophia sat in the dark room by herself researching Obsessive compulsive disorder on the computer.

'Obsessive compulsive disorder is a mental health condition where you have recurring thoughts and repetitive behaviours that you cannot control.'

"Is that why your doing this?" Sophia says to herself scrolling through a medical overview of the disorder.

"Are you thinking outside the box?" Spencer voice echoes in the room making Sophia jump and turn around to see Spencer standing behind her chair.

"Spencer what if the UnSub has OCD? It would explain the compulsive need to set fires." Sophia says. Spencer immediately crouches down to look at the computer screen.

Sophia moves the laptop so he can see as well.

"You might be onto something. Can I?" Spencer points to the laptop, Sophia nods and Spencer takes the laptop putting on the video of the man on fire again.

They watch it over three times before Spencer spots something.

"There." Spencer points on the laptop screen at the doorknob. Sophia zooms in so the image of the doorknob is clearer.

They watch the video yet again.

"It twists three times." Spencer tells Sophia. They both look at each other.

They go to Proffessor Wallaces office - the last room to have been put on fire.

Spencer wipes off the black soot over the front of the door.


"3 again." Sophia comments.

Turns out the boy who was set on fire in the first place was attending Professor Ralph Wallace's class at 3:00.


Anderson and Reid barge into the office area where Gideon and Hotch are working. 

"We know why the profiles never fit." Spencer says walking closer to the two men "You were right to tell Morgan not to rely on precedent. The fires thus far have been completely task-orientated."

"So once they're set the UnSub is done?" Hotch asks.

"Exactly that. He's not a classical serial arsonist, he uses fires because of a completely different disorder." Sophia explains as Hotch and Gideon intensely listen in.

"What disorder is that?" Gideon asks.

"An extreme manifestation of obsessive-compulsive disorder. He does everything in three's and if we're right he's gonna have to kill again." Spencer answers.


"Where's the behavioural evidence?" Gideon asks Sophia and Spencer rubbing his head from being tired.

Spencer leans over clicking on the video of the doorknob turning three times.

"We saw the doorknob turn against the lock. Here's the thing, he's not actually trying to get in. He's compelled to turn the doorknob three times." Sophia explains pointing it out on the screen.

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