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ahaha... you just. broke up with him like that? did you not believe in him? why? he loves you.. do you still not love him? you must love him, you have to!

although, it can't be his fault. you started the arguement, after all.

" kuni.. I can't take this anymore, it's stress doing this, your so rude to me all the times and people always.." you had called him that nickname for the last time.

" no.. please! ILL BE BETTER! I PROMISE, PLEASE, ILL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU TO NOT LEAVE ME!" He could still feel it and remember it as if it was yesterday.

He still remembers as a few tears drop down his cheeks, as you leave him in his apartment, and how he falls to the ground.

"you... how dare you make me trust you...I.. I will fucking get revenge...I'll break you.." He still watches you, even as a popular idol in a worldwide band called 6reeze.

he has all your socials, posing as just 'another simple follower on a alt account.' luckily nobody will find this, he hopes.

He thinks of you as he sleeps, biting his lip tightly, as he looks at a picture of you sleeping.

oh, he got this.. in a personal view.

ahaha.. he's to far off, isn't he? his friends.. they can't know, not even his best friend, xiao.

oh darling, if only he could hold you in his arms, kiss you harshly with a smirk on his face as he grips your silk smooth hair.

ah.. what he would do to even breath in your presence..

BETRAYAL (✔️) (YAN!SCARAMOUCHE X READER.)Where stories live. Discover now