One in a billion

358 7 2

You woke up and checked your phone seeing a text from v.

Hey girlie wanna hang out today?

I can't i got plans

Girl shut up you know damn well im your only friend

welll i got a call last night and someone asked me out...


Well it may or may not have been keeho



Ill be there in 5 mins

(Read just now)

I laugh putting my phone down and taking off my bonnet going to get something
to eat .I was pouring milk in froot loops when my door busted open and there was v with stars in her eyes. "Y FUCKING N" she pants looking like she just ran a 5 mile race
" bitch did you fucking run here" I laugh
"You relize you have a car right?" I explain to her. "No time" she says looking me dead in my face.

"Where is your phone" veronica stated
"Its in my room on my nightstand, why" i asked
"Im gonna text him" she answered running down the hall inro my room
"WHAT?!" I shouted with a mouth full of cereal running after her.
She ran into my room and shut the door locking it behind her.
" VERONICA OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR" I yelled praying that she frgot my password
"NO" She retorted

"VERONICA I SWEAR- ok veronica just open the door and nothing is gonna happen" you reasoned "DUMBASS I HAD A BLACK MOM TOO YOU CANT TRICK ME" she yelled back at you.
fuck " VERONICA ACTUALLY THIS ISNT FUNNY" you begged "sent" she said sweetly as she opened the door. You ran to your phone seeing what she sent to him.


Just out of curiosity where are we going today??

Well i was planning on going out for lunch just to get to know eachother better😊
But if you have another plan thats ok to

Nono lunch is fine☺️

Also i need your address so i know where to go

Oh yea ofc its *your address*

Ok ill see you at 4:30
Bye beautiful

Goodbye keeho🙃
(Read 12:45)

"I'm not gonna lie i thought you where gonna say some out of pocket shit" you snarled at your best friend. She giggled and you guys walked back to the kitchen as v put some bread in the toaster. You now just realized that she was still in her pajamas.

You guys talked until you both finished your food.

"Y/n?" "Yeah?" "Can i take a shower here" she asked "girl you dont have to ask ofc. I have to shower too so ill just use my moms and you can use the main one in the hallway" you said

"Kk thanks. Also im wearing your clothes" she said as her voice faded up the stairs in to the bathroom. You went into your moms bathroom  she was at work right now and bathroom was nicer.

{keehos pov} 

"BRO WHAT" Intak  shouted while the rest of the group just looked at me in shock. "yeah.." i shared to the boys with their jaws basically on the floor. "so you mean to tell me that YOU are going on a date with Y/N?" Jiung spoke "yes i am at 4:30 today'' i confirmed to him. "wooooooooooooooow'' jongseob dragged "guys its not a big deal" i murmured under my breath while rubbing the back of my neck embarrassed "not a big deal?! keeho your literally a famous idol and shes just a dancer" Theo commented "what is that supposed to mean?!" i snarled at him "calm down all i'm saying is that what is people find out? sure we do have some fans who will support you but keeho.. people are crazy. if you really like this girl its better to just leave her." Theo explains to me. 

"i me I've thought about this guys and i don't think ill ever find someone like her. shes beautiful, vibrant, funny, cool. talented, and so much more i cant even explain with words" i stated, i think she is really the one for me and i really can't let this go. "okay. well if that's how you feel then go for it you know we are here to support you no matter what you decide hyung" soul comforted and gave me a side hug in his place next to me on the couch. the others nodded in agreement. 

{y/ns pov}

i got out of the shower and walked into my room seeing v in my closet looking for something to wear. "bro why are you lookin so hard just pick something and move i need to find something too" i chuckled as v picked out my straykids sweater with some shorts. "ok move now...what the fuck do i wear to a date?" 

HEY MY BLACK QUEENS soooo i sorryyy i know its been a while bc my dumass literally forgot about this story but ill be back to updating more and more bc ive been getting more into p1harmony alsoo the parts will be alot longer than like the first part bc i hate those stories that are 3 paragraphs long lmao anyways  that being said i hope you guy have or had a great day. bye beautiful. 

word count: 856 w

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