Chapter 1 pt. 1

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My name is Paige Grandin, and I was assigned to tend to be the companion helper to Dr. Pence I took a boat from my home town in Ireland to the big city of London oh sure I've heard of the place and have been there once as a child but that was a long time ago. Anyways it was about four in the afternoon when I finally reached London and oh my word how lovely it was I got off the boat and looked around at the sites, there I was met with a tall man in a dark suit
"Ah, you must be miss Grandin, yes Dr. Pence is expecting you may I take your bag?" the man asked
"Oh umm well sure thank you" I said with a small smile
"Now then follow me to the car" the man took my bag and we walked away from the port the boat was docked at and out to a big fancy black car it was truly a site to see thinking that this doctor must really be rich, the man I assumed to be the driver opened the car door and gestured me to get in
"Here we go mad'am "
I took his hand and he helped me into the car and I sat he closed the door and he got into the drivers side and started the car and we set off, about an hour of a drive went by and a big manor appeared in view I was in true awe by it.

The car came to a full stop in front of the big mansion the driver opened the door and helped me out of the vehicle
"please go inside I'll tend to your luggage"
"thank you Mr......"
"Oh how rude of me Sanders madame" he said bowing
"Oh well nice to meet you Sanders" I turned to look back up at the large home I then walked in and looked around the door opened to a large hallway to many doors there was a lounge on the right and a den on the left I kept walking till I came to a door that read "Dr. Pence" I knocked on it gently
"Come in" a voice on the other side said
I opened it and saw a man sitting at a desk gazing at paperwork he had black hair that was neatly styled and swished to one side of his face he was wearing half moon reading glasses his eyes an interesting shade of dark purple, the man gazed up from his papers
"Ah you must be the woman taking the helper position"
"Y-Yes Im Paige, Paige Grandin"  I said doing a curtsy
"Hmm well it's a pleasure miss Grandin, I am Dr. Elliot Pence" the man said removing his glasses giving a better gaze at his deep purple eyes, I had a pale blush come across my freckled face but then I shook it off and got back to reality
"So what will I have to do?" I asked curiously
he looked at his desk "the position is mainly to file paperwork and to help Sanders with deliveries of my imported tea"
"Oh you sell tea?" I asked intrigued
"Yes I create a new brand every month"
"Then why do you....."
"Have Dr. in my title?...well I am also a surgeon I work in the London hospital but I usually bring my appointments here to the manor now it's easier for me now a days" he said with a small warm smirk
"Oh? busy here?" I asked curiously
"You could say that....." he pushed out from his desk and looked to the bookshelf and moved towards it as he left his desk I saw something that I didn't expect....he was in a wheelchair
"Oh I didn't realize you...." I said in a soft manor
"A wheelchair?" he looked down "sadly I was in an accident when I was about twenty three it paralyzed me from the waist was when I was fresh out of medical school I wasn't expecting that mile stone but I came to terms with it I've been in this chair for twenty years now enough time to except it" he said looking back up at me and met my gaze we were silent for a moment then he spoke
"well I'll have Sanders show you to your room"
"I'm staying here?" I asked in disbelief
"Why of course no rent of course that is if you would like" he said with a small smile
"Well...yes of course if that's alright thank you Dr. Pence" I said grateful
"My pleasure miss Grandin" just then Sanders came in
"Come this way madame I'll show you to your room" he said bowing
I followed him we went down the hall till we were met with a flight of stairs he began to walk up the stairs I was hesitant at first but then I followed I looked at the paintings on the walls as I climbed the stairs so many of the doctor in London or Paris or what looked like in the jungle before he was paralyzed it looked like looking like he traveled a lot, we reached the second floor and Sanders showed me down yet another hallway I followed, so many beautiful paintings on the walls
"here we are" Sanders exclaimed looking at the door in front of him he opened it I peeked inside and saw a queen sized bed with silky black sheets and dark blue pillows and a black feather down blanket on the other side was a desk and a dresser and a closet
"I hope your stay will be a pleasant one madame" Sanders stated placing her bag in the room next to the bed then he stood up straight and gazed at me
"If there is anything you need please....don't hesitate to ask" he said with a soft smirk I gazed at the servant briefly not getting good luck the first time he was tall about 6'3" at least and dirty blonde hair and misty blue eyes they looked like a thunderstorm almost kind of color "Is there anything you need before I leave madame?"
"Umm no not that I can think of" I said looking around
"Very well I'll be up to fetch you soon the doctor wishes me to invite you to dinner in an hour" he bowed and left with out another word...

I looked out the big window in my room seeing a balcony outside of it so I opened the big door like window and walked out on the balcony and the summer air blew around ever so calmly it was calm and smelled of lavender it was a lovely the last thing I had to do was unpack and relax until I was called for dinner...

(This is a sneak peek into my story if you like it leave a comment in the comments and let me know if you think I should continue it)

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