Coincidence Of Love

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Chapter one

Love remains one with its feelings and feelings everywhere, even if the languages of the two lovers differ, the eye will remain the only language known to lovers.

A lover is nothing but a soul from us that resembles us from which we derive safety and feelings. He is the one who reads our silence and translates it with a thousand thousand words of love and adoration.

Love is the one that makes flowers grow in our hearts after a thousand and one tears have fallen. It is the one that brightens the darkness of days and hearts.

It is attachment to the soul of a person, not his form or language. It comes without us arranging for it, so the arrow of fate settles in our hearts in a surprising way.

When you find love, hold on to it, do not let go of it, fight and resist, defend your love and the one you love

The lucky one is the one who finds love in the ways of his life and clings to it and does not let it fade away or be lost with the days. It begins as a sofa that must be nurtured in order for it to grow and prosper and to have steadfast branches that resist days and years. It is a mysterious magic that has no medicine and a liar who says that he loved and forgot who he loves with the days, some deny that it is like tattooing on hearts.

Diab did not approach the newspaper seller until he slowed down in his walking, as he did not want to buy a newspaper, but he wanted to snoop on the main news written on the front page of each newspaper.

After Abdo Diab succeeded in directing him, his father sent him to teach in the universities of France, but rather sent him, specifically to the University of Cirebon, to study philosophy and literature. As a friend of his, he had obtained a doctorate in philosophy from the same university.

After he traveled, he did not find love quickly or work, so he lied and told his parents that there is a newspaper agent who discovered my talent in writing stories and articles, and he paid a sum of money as well.

They do not know that he writes some short articles about the Pharaonic civilization, which Europeans love, and so on, and after he finished his education with difficulty, he lied and said that he had become one of the great writers and would raise the name of Egypt and his father high.

The strange and funny thing is that Abdul Majeed does not know much French. His brain is locked in Arabic, so he writes it excellently. As for speaking and reading, he does not say

What is not necessary Amtraqa while I speak O people. He only speaks English fluently

And his father believed him and spread the news, and even held banquets, and thus the father refrained from sending money to him, but also demanded that he pay money to him)

We return to Abdo, who left Paris and went to Nice, and sent the address of the cheap hotel to his father, and said that he had moved to Nice, the city of the rich.

So the father and mother prayed for him with all goodness

However, he hangs around reading newspaper headlines without buying them. And the old newspaper seller saw him, and she looked at him as pieces, perhaps he would move away, but he is like a fly in the summer, it stands and does not move, no matter how much we shake and hit it.

This young man with Arab features used to eavesdrop in front of her newspaper store every morning, and she wished that she would beat him, but her health did not help her.

Then Abdel Majeed went to a narrow street crowded with people coming and going until he reached the post office, where he saw a line of men.

They were standing in front of one of the desks, and he saw in the first row an old man whose mustache was drooping, making him look like a fisherman. Behind him stood a French sailor who was constantly moving so that you would think he was dancing. Then a slender, white girl from the girls of the night stood beside him, and she put a scarf around her shoulder that covered part of her nightgown. The pallor of her atrophied face after spending a tiring night

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