She's a genius.. || Michealangelo x Genius [ READER ] ( R )

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TYPE: Oneshot
TURTLE: Michealangelo 🍕


At QuestTech Corporation [ READER ] is one of the smartest workers in the corporation working harder than everyone else, It is very late at night and [ READER ] is busy making a tech where you can create portable portal devices so to make people's lives easier.

Suddenly Doctor Baxter Stockman came in your lab room.

" D-Doctor Baxter, What are you doing here this late at night? " [ READER ] said with shock since Doctor Baxter hasn't talked to you once.

" Why [ READER ]! I need you something for a mission of mine, And that's why I need you to not shout. " And then suddenly a foot clan soldier put a bag on your head making you instantly go to panick mode,
' he's kidnapping me! ' [ READER ] thought then immediately started screaming for help.

As you were kicking and screaming for help the foot soldiers don't notice 4 mutant turtles looking down at you from a building,

" Maybe we should help her guys? " Donnie said

" Okay, We take out the foot soldiers and Mikey you take the girl to safety "

" You got it big bro! " Mikey said then the others go down to fight.

The 3 brothers kept the foot clan and Baxter occupied while Mikey went to the girl to calm her.

Mikey took the bag off her head.
" Please don't scream dudette! Me and my brothers are helping you escape from Baxter, We're the good guys here. " Mikey immediately said making [ READER ] calm

" Thank you so much..uh-? "
" The name's Michealangelo but the ladies call me Mikey, And You're welcome dudette! " Mikey said then his brothers came

" Are you alright miss? " Leonardo asked
" Yes I am okay, Thank you so much! " [ READER ] said showing genuine gratitude

While [ READER ] was thanking them a couple more foot clan soldiers came and started running towards them.

" Mikey take [ READER ] to the lair it's not safe for them to be here yet! " Leonardo shouted to Mikey and Mikey nodded signifying he understood it, Mikey immediately carried you and went to the roofs it was all very sudden making [ READER ] gasp

" So sorry if that was all sudden miss we have to take you to our lair if that's okay with you! " Mikey said while holding [ READER ] very tightly making her slightly blush


" Here we are [ READER ], Welcome to our home! " Mikey said sounding enthusiastic while you look inside the lair in awe

" Your lair is so awesome! "
" I know it is! Anyways you can do anything you want " Mikey said then went towards the couch and watched some television.

You took a seat at one of the seats available then took out the blueprint for the portable portal you were working on earlier and the prototype version of it, While you were working on the portal Mikey kept looking at you very interested on what you are doing and so he asked.

" What you doing girlie? "
" I'm making a portable portal "
" What's that?? " Mikey asked making [ READER ] go on a ramble about how she's making it, And why she's making it, For once in his life he's listening to a scientific ramble because whenever Donnie rambles he usually interrupts him but currently he's listening to one right now without interrupting her, It's like he cares...


Leo, Donnie and Raph went home to the lair only to see Mikey listening to [ READER ] talk about scientific stuff about a device she's holding and surprisingly Mikey is listening attentively to her.

" We're.. home? " Leo said while taking in the scene infront of him
" Welcome back bros! " Mikey said taking him out of his listening trance

" So [ READER ] you have to stay with us for a while, Because the Foot clan is after you " Donnie said while Mikey's face brighten up and [ READER ] looks suprised hearing that information

" YAYY DUDETTE IS GONNA STAY HERE! " Mikey said instantly putting [ READER ] in a side hug

" Well might as well grab some of your belongings, Come on [ READER ] " Leo said while Donnie and [ READER ] went after him.

While the 3 are out Raph went next to Mikey and asked him
" Sooo, You like [ READER ] huh? " Making Mikey turn red (?) and lightly punch Raph's shoulder
" I do not bro I just met her! " Mikey said then went to his room

" I am so teasing him for this " Raph said while chuckling to himself making him look like a crazy psycho who talks to himself.


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