Ouija To Hell

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Arriving back home for the holidays Jackson shouldered his bag and thanked the taxi driver who had dropped him off and whistled for his Dog Max to exit the back seat, The German Shepard gleefully jumped out and trotted along side Jackson up the driveway. Both had been gone on an extended Camping trip in the wilds of the boreal forest but had been able to return home early thanks to several kind hunters lending him a ride.
Jackson entered the dimly lit house and heard shrieking he quickly ran to the living room to see what was happening worried his little sister Morgan was in danger. To Jackson's surprise though he saw 4 girls sitting next to his sister on the couch with popcorn strewn all over them, they all screamed as he entered turning their gaze from the movie they were watching, Jackson looked over to the screen to see paranormal activity playing and finally realized what had happened, sheepishly he bowed his head rubbing it with his hand and told Max to heel as he had been on guard when they rushed in. Morgan after calming herself from the scare realized it was her brother and rushed over to him hugging him.
"Jackson OH my God I can't believe your back I thought you weren't coming home for another week!" Morgan said excitedly.
"That was the plan but we ran short on food and decided to head back early, luckily some friendly hunters were kind enough to get me back to town where I took a taxi home" Jackson explained as Morgan switched from hugging him to petting Max furiously.
"Well mom and dad will be so happy your home, they're out right now on date night. That's why I decided to have a sleepover." Morgan said standing back up "not that I'm not happy to see you but you'll kinda kill the mood so would you mind going to your room?" She asked.
"That's fine I was planning on getting some sleep its been a long day." He said feeling a slight twinge of disappointment as he had looked forward to seeing everyone again.
"Awesome thanks Jack!" She said then turning to ger friends "Come on everyone let's break out the Ouija board the movies getting boring."
At the mention of the Ouija board hairs stood up on the back of Jackson neck and goosebumps formed he had never been very superstitious but Ouija boards freaked him out so he quickly opened the door to downstairs where his room was and descended the steps with Max in toe closing the door behind him.
Jackson put down his bag hearing the clattering of his camp equipment and his FireAxe that was strapped to the side hit the floor. Max jumped up on the bed and circled around before laying down with a huff. Jackson not feeling as tired as he said to his sister walked over to his stereo on the wall and turned it on playing some rock quietly to not disturb the sleepover he started unpacking. He could hear his sister and friends gossiping and shrieking like stereotypical girls do and groaned walking back over to his stereo he cranked it up drowning them out not caring about their party anymore. Resuming his unpacking he plunged his hand into his bag wincing as he felt pain shoot through his hand as he cut himself on a knife he forgot to put away properly shaking his hand cursing, a few drops of blood dripped onto the floor, he examined his hand and saw a shallow cut grabbing a bandage he quickly wrapped it up being more careful he finished unpacking putting away the knife and Axe on the shelf where he kept all his gear.
Meanwhile his sister and friends began using the ouija board jokingly trying to summon some demons, little did they know in the basement the few drops of blood that had fallen started to sizzle. Max started growling looking at the floor where the blood was and stood up hair bristled on his back Jackson looked toward him and tried to calm him but Max refused to listen, walking over Jackson grabbed Max's collar and started petting him but Max broke free and snarled baring his teeth to Jackson, alarmed he backpedalled to the shelf and reached for the Axe for Protection but Max had already lunged to Jackson's surprise ran behind him he turned and saw what Max was really aiming for a long lanky Scarred and burned creature with several boney spikes and ragged wings on its back, Max tore into the creature and its head roared back revealing sharp needle like teeth. Quickly Jackson grabbed the Axe and plunged it into the creatures head where it's eyes should've been and the creature fell limp. Staggering back to catch his breath he observed Max still on edge and prepared. Looking at the floor behind the Demon-like creature Jackson saw a small swirling portal and more importantly several more creatures crawling out of it.
Hefting the Axe, Jackson charged quickly deciding he has to kill these creatures before they get out of the basement because then his sister and her friends would be in danger.
Jabbing the end of the Axe into a creatures stomach staggering it allowing him to raise the axe up and bring it down onto the Demons head. Hearing a screech Jackson turned to his right seeing another Demon barreling towards him he didn't have any time to react but right before it reached him with its black talons Max jumped on it from its left side knocking it down as Max clamped his teeth over the Demons throat, Jackson smiled and said good boy as he turned to the next closest Demon swinging his Axe his screams almost muffled by the still playing stereo.
Fir the next several minutes while the war raged in the basement Morgan and her friends snickered and played with the Ouija board unaware of the danger. Eventually they grew board of it and ended the game ordering some late night pizza and packing up the Ouija board. Morgan's friends started complaining that her older brother was playing his music a bit too loud and Morgan agreed telling them she'll go talk to him she walked to the basement door reaching for the handle she heard a loud bang against the door as if someone had ran at it and she pulled back calling Jackson's name she went to reach for the handle again when the doorbell rang, the pizza was here one of her friends sprang up and grabbed the money off the table shouting out they'll get the pizza. Turning back to the Door once again Morgan grabbed the handle and twisted it just as it was violently slammed into and a Demon burst through and up the stairs Morgan screamed and tripped over falling down she watched the Demon leap at her claws ready to cut her to ribbons and she closed her eyes tight but she heard yelping and screeching, she opened her eyes in time to see the Demon being dragged back down the stairs its claws leaving long gouges in the floor as it tried desperately to hold on. Morgan heard a squishy noise and dripping and the notices stopped replaced by footsteps coming up the stairs she saw her brother Jackson gore covered and bruised weilding an axe and Max Snarling and bloody enter the living room ignoring her and reach for the Ouija board Jackson smashed it to prices with his axe as Morgan's friends returned with the pizza freezing in fear seeing Jackson. everyone was deathly quiet as he turned to her he walked straight up to her grabbed the pizza and sat down on the couch tossing Max a slice when he joined Jackson on the couch then looking at Morgan Jackson said.
"No more Ouija EVER AGAIN." and he continued eating away at the pizza.

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