Birthday Bash

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After I yelled that I punched Jaxon in the face.

"Fuck ya! Some action!" Blaire cheered. They then punched Stacy in the face and drove their knee into Sam's gut. Their parents tried to intervene but mine stopped them.

"What the hell!? They're beating our kids! And your daughter is be a ting her mates! Why are you allowing this!?" The tiger leader roared at my parents.

"Why did you bring them and threaten not to be here on her big day? They're not kids. If something happened back when they were that still made her uncomfortable you should have respected that." Papa says. Meanwhile Blaire and I were beating the shit out of them. Stacy and Sam tried to team up on Blaire. I clocked Sam in the back of the head. Sam is our biggest threat. When I got her in her stomach and she asked how that's because she could even sneak up on our parents who are rulers. She was strong and could go undetected. That's what makes her a need to take out. Blaire and I trained to prevent people from sneaking up behind us. In fact I was trying to be a lone wolf in order to try and make my own pack after being on my own for a while and gaining more strength and knowledge. I just never told anyone my plans. But this came in handy. Blaire and I got a nice bond so we can put up the fight of our lives. And these three were learning that the hard way. We went like this. If Sam tried to grab me Blaire would grab her attention. When she went to get Blaire I would attack her. We got Sam knocked out after 25 minutes or so of doing this. After that we focused more on our opponents. W/ us focusing on them we got them taken care of in 5 minutes tops.

"Can we continue the party as planned?" I ask still a bit winded.

"Sure..." Mom answers still amazed I actually think they all were. I mean we were definitely overpowered and out numbered but we still won.

"How could you be so cruel?" The luna of our allied pack asks.

"I'm not being cruel. I'm being practical." I state. "I Juliet reject Jaxon, Stacy, and Sam as my mates." I add standing straight. Nothing seemed to happen. I looked at my parents and they shrugged.

"Please take your kids and leave. We can discuss what happened here at a later date." My father says.

"We'll leave but there is nothing to talk about." The allied pack's Alpha says. They leave and we continue the festivities. After which I claimed my wish to be a lone wolf. They agreed then we spent time together before I left. Then I had a dream. I woke up but not in my new room. I was in a clearing in what seemed to be the middle of a forest.

"By the goddess." I say at a lost for words. In the clearing there was a lake. The water shined blue but when you were close it was crystal clear.

"Correct child." A voice says amused. I snap to a defensive position and scan the area. Then I saw the most enchanting woman of my whole existence. "Calm down child it's me the goddess." She states. I lower my defenses. Don't ask me it just felt like she was telling the truth and I could trust her.

"Why am I here?" I ask.

"So you rejected your mates. And w/ good reason. But the thing is my sister Fate she had a hand in this. They were praying everyday even when they were pups. They wanted you. In every sense of the word might I add." She says.

"Yes. Speaking of which we were told that rejection was supposed to be painful. How come nothing happened?" I ask.

"Because child my sister sympathized w/ them highly. As a result she had it to where if I hadn't made them your mates you would greatly suffer. Infact they would have killed your mate. They also would've killed theirs if they came in the way of them being w/ you." She says.

"What?!" I say shock but my voice didn't raise in volume. It stayed at a reasonable volume despite how I was feeling.

"Yes. So the only real way to get rid of them is if they die or they reject you." She says. The sadness and pity in her voice was tremendous.

"Don't be upset. You did this to protect me from a worse faith. It makes sense why the 'bond' I felt was so nonexistence. I rather fight w/ minium to loose than fight at the risk of everything. So thank you for telling me." I say.

"Heh! Child you are one of my best creations. I want to bless you. This blessing is to make sure you can come back as one of my warriors. But you still must prove yourself. Please be free in whatever way you find." She says lovingly.

"I will... Godmother." I say. Her eyes widen and then she smiles. Next thing I know is I wake up in my bed. But not before I hear her say something.

"Enjoy your inner best friend! Godchild!" I sit up her words racking around my brain.

"What did she mean?" I think to myself.

"Surprise Bitch!" A voice says in my head.

"The hell!? A demon!" I scream in my head.

"Rude!" The voice gripes. I laugh.

"Hello. Mind telling me who you are and why the literal bitch called me one?" I say.

"Heh. You're smart. I like that. I'm Vollmond. Also heads up our mates name is gonna be Neumond. I know this because our mate will reincarnate when we do. We will also remember our past lives." She informs.

"How do you identify?" I ask.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks.

"Nothing. It's just if you have preferred pronouns I want to use them." I state.

"I'm fine w/ she/ her." She says.

"Great! Now how come I never heard of a wolf talking to the human?" I ask.

"Because it's reserved for special wolves now. In the past it was like this but the thing was our wolf nature and the human nature of our humans caused a lot of inner troubles. Especially since we typically show up a year or two before the first shift and those who are being raised human for some reason or another get confused and believe they're going crazy. So you can guess what happened after." She says.

"Yeah. But thanks for explaining. I feel like you're gonna come in handy." I say.

"Don't think about using me." She says.

"Never. We go in together as a team as one. Nothing more or less." I say. She purs at this.


"Looks like my training has just got more... More." I say to myself.

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