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Surrounded by pitch black with nothing else in sight.

You had just fallen asleep, expecting for another weird dream to appear once again but no, nothing had happened and it felt too weird to be a dream. It felt like you were physically there. Perhaps you were lucid dreaming?

Wanting to leave as nothing has happened, you decided to pinch your arm, wincing at the tight pain it gave, hoping you would wake up. You didn't, which confused you. People usually pinch themselves to see if they are dreaming so why didn't it work for you? Coming up with another idea, a very dumb one infact, you thought of smacking yourself against the jet black floor but before you can, a neon screen appeared infront of you.

██ 20% *___*

███ 40% *___*

████ 60% *___*

█████ 80% *___*

██████ 100% *___*

𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .

"H E L L O Y/N !"

You jumped back in fear, letting out a scream in shock. You take a quick breather, processing on what just happened. After calming down, you observed the floating neon screen infront of you, it's main colour being blue with the screen glitching slightly every few seconds around the edges. Not knowing what else to do, you decided the best option was to tap the screen, hoping nothing bad will happen.

Fortunately, nothing terrible had happened and the text on the screen had changed. New words were being typed up as you slowly read every single word being typed.

"Please do not scream like that again, its very much ear piercing!"

'This weird floating thing can hear me? Hold up do I scream that loud-'

"Yes, you do scream loud"

"What the fuc-"

"I know what you're going to question, yes I can read your thoughts :)"

"Wouldn't that be invasion of privacy?"


"Let's move on! My name is Rai, your personal uh.. companion? Sure let's call it that!

I know you currently have a billion of questions in your head on what the actual crap is happening but let me explain

You were lucky one to be chosen as some say, I'm not sure who though.. But anyways you do have the choice into going to your desired fictional world! Isn't that amazing?!"

my dream, my destiny -ninjagoWhere stories live. Discover now