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            The sky was beginning to darken as the clouds hovered close by. Most of the trees were destroyed or fallen to dust. The ground cracked like the pattern of lightning, but it remained closely intact. The forest was the least of our worries, but I could tell that the sight of the corrupted nature saddened the girl with powers of nature. There was a twinkle of light emerging through the dull clouds, but it disappeared a few seconds after. Was it a sign? A good luck charm? Or maybe it was a signal to be aware of what was going to come next. That glimpse of sunshine was the only bright thing that we'll see for at least the next couple of months. After this, I don't think we'll be able to remember what memories we made in this forest. We'll only remember the pain and strength that coursed through our veins, and the magic building in our hands. We'll only remember how the Child of Fire's eyes glowed red in determination, how the Child of Earth grasped onto her bow and arrow, how the Child of Water's wave flowed behind him, and how the Child of Air hovered above them aloft with gusts of wind flowing around her.

            This was it: the final battle. All we have is our powers, weapons and will. I couldn't stop thinking about the thought of the world ending if we weren't here to face it. Suddenly, we all stood side-by-side to each other, our hands flurrying with elemental magic. The enemy team was standing face to face with us, with their leader staring us down. We all took one last look at each other, like we had been expecting this battle all our lives. The rival lifted his deep-purple sword, and pointed its sharp blade at us. The monsters below ran quickly, so quick that a few I stumbled upon themselves. Although they were a distance away, a feeling of worry swarmed over me. I took one last breath and looked at my closest friends. This was it... this is the final battle.

CHAPTER 1: Jackie

            It was a warm and exciting Friday morning. The car rumbled softly as my sister drove it down the pavement. The sun was shining, and the clouds floated with a blinding shade of white. I rested my head on the door window, although it was not very enjoyable. The constant shaking and bumping of the car prevented me from comfort. But my excitement overlooked my comfort because of today's event. Today was finally the day for the class field trip. My seventh-grade class patiently and diligently brought the class average up to 90%, and as a reward--a field trip to the Brivet Museum.

            This museum was not ordinary: It had modern, sleek walls. Every piece of artwork presents itself beautifully. Each exhibit had an attention-seeking entrance, and they were even more thrilling on the inside. The ceiling was glass, so the rays of sunlight reflected the building stunningly. The building itself was tall, so it felt like you were walking into a palace.

            I took my phone out of my back pocket and watched it immediately turn on. The clock near the top of my lock screen showed 9:02 A.M. The moving vehicle came to a halt. The tires screeched, and my sister removed the key from the ignition. I take a look outside my window only to feel my excitement expand. In front of me stood a tall, symmetrical building. Giant bold letters were clinging onto it that spelled Brivet Museum. I turned my head and grabbed a brown bag with all my personal belongings. I quickly unbuckled the seat belt and opened the car door. The view from the car differed from standing in front of it. The museum was overwhelming but overall welcoming.

            My head raised as I breezed through the doors. My brown eyes scattered across each center I saw. To the left of me was some fancy restroom area with a few ladies waiting outside. I look over on my right to spot a modern gift shop full of merchandise and goods. Right in front of me was a stylish check-in area, where a young lady with brunette hair greeted me politely. I showed her a specialized ID card that my teacher gave to our class a few days earlier. She nodded swiftly and pointed behind her. I gave her a friendly smile, and she replied with "Enjoy!"

Elements of The Lost Ones: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now