Chapter Four- Day 1, Complete.

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Have you heard of the Mere-exposure effect?

According to psychology, it's a phenomenon which states that people tend to have a preference for things they are familiar to - a sense of comfort. In social psychology, this is referred to as the Familiarity Principle.

That being said if he appeared in her thoughts enough, she would approach him first and eventually he'd have her wrapped around his little finger - attracting her like a magnet. Then when the magnitude is at its highest point, that's when he would break the connection. That's when her vulnerability will be at its highest peak which means a sweeter victory on his behalf.

But how would he do that, you might think? His introduction is already set in stone.


Based on the Northwest's reaction towards him, she clearly isn't one for rumors. Therefore, they've only had two official meetings. The rest of her understanding of him is whatever he has linked with his sister. Which, in Mason's opinion, is by far the worst way someone could get to know him.

Thus, the only way to rewrite those 'misunderstandings' would be to..

"Welcome to the Mystery Shack- Oh." Wendy cut herself off, surprised at the customer that was unexpectedly here again. She should have known it was him when she was forced to walk all the way around the counter to open the door because the mysterious customer continuously knocked.

The only way to rewrite the misunderstandings would be to visit the Mystery Shack more often. Without the rowdy Mabel who would steal the spotlight - just a visit by himself.

Since Wendy still lingered by the door, Mason switched his gaze from the shack to her - and she immediately focused her attention to the floor. She cleared her throat to mask her fear and rubbed the back of her neck, "Look around or..whatever.."

Classic reaction.

After she made her way back to the counter, Mason saunters to the shelves with questionable objects in display. He realized that the objects here may have been different than the ones he saw the other day - but they still had the same ridiculous feel to it. He tried his best to not show his distaste.

The last time he was here, he was impatient. He acted childish with no proper plan. But now, things were different.

Hm, what's this? Mason walked closer to the object to examine it. It was a weird thick glass ball, with an eyeball inside, The ball itself brimmed with tears. There was the teeny, tiniest hole at the very top. Even though it looked like it was made of glass, the glass itself had many layers he was convinced he could bounce it without it breaking.

Upon closer inspection, Mason was just the slightest bit amused. Huh, this wasn't like any normal tears...

"Hey Wendy, have you seen Waddles? He ate a piece of my shirt and-" A pause, probably to register my presence "O-oh. It's Mr. Gleeful."

Mason groaned internally. He could handle the rest of them - but he had already erased this unpredictable character from his mind.

"Look, Mr. Gleeful," Soos began, calming his nerves with a gulp, "I really don't wanna fight but if you're here to hurt Pacifica then.. "

But Mason still didn't turn around. No reply, no reaction to Soos's dismay. Instead, he took the weird eye he was...eyeing into his hands with a napkin and brought it to the counter.

The three stood in silence.

"Well?" Mason questioned after a few moments of no movement, staring at Wendy with his hands stationed in his pockets, "Aren't you going to ring it up?"

"Wh.." Wendy echoed her thoughts, then shook her head to get back to reality "Yeah. Sorry. Just one for you, sir?"

Mason doesn't reply.

She took the hint and pursed her lips. She glanced at the cashier system, "Um...that'll be-"

Mason dropped a 100 dollar bill wordlessly on the counter and wrapped the eyeball glass with a napkin, taking it with him.

"Wait but your change-"

But just as quick as he came, he left.

After a few more moments of standing in silence, Wendy and Soos finally turn to each other.

What the hell was that?!


Day 1 was complete.

That was it. That was the plan - enter, buy something, leave. It wouldn't be good for everyone around the target to act cautious around him either.

As much as he wanted to shut them up with his usual methods, their shocked and confused faces was a little entertaining. At least this method didn't fully bore him, given of course it was less gory.

He knocked a specific rhythm onto the door infront of him, and it opened so fast a small gust of wind blew in his face.

"Baby brother! To what do i owe this visit?"

With no reply, he shoved his newly bought item into his sister's arms, taking her aback. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she glanced down to the small ball wrapped in one of her brother's napkin.

Studying it carefully without revealing its contents, Mason watches as she puts napkin covered ball close to her ear, shaking it, trying to sniff it even and other ridiculous things. Finally, her eyes widened in realization when she tapped one of her fingernails onto the ball.

It was glass! Hah, it must be broken shards or something. Well two can play at that game.

Mabel lets the ball drop to the ground, expecting a shattering sound. "Hah! You think you can fool....wh..." But it never broke. Instead, weird mist started to erupt from the napkin - coming from the eyeball ball.

"This..its oleander extract..How dare you...Fuck...." Mabel dramatically tries to argue, before falling to the ground - arms flailling. Mason, already predicting the situation, had already covered his own nose with a napkin.

The weird eyeball ball was brimmed with tears containing oleander extract with originally comes from nerium oleander - a flower containing deadly contents.

Whatever, Mason had rolled his eyes. He knew that his sister was even more trained against poison and she would wake up pretty soon. That's what she gets for trying to poison him again.

As Mason made his way to his room, he made a mental note to visit again in a couple days. Not only would it further prove his argument of the familiarity principle but it would hit harder if he came in on very specific days.

She'll finally get whats coming for her.


Yes i know this one is super short, sorry. I didnt know how else to end it for now. The next chapter will be longer I promise.


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