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In my dream Beomgyu and Taehyun were in two places at once but I could see them both at the same time like a split screen or something?
So I'll just do both Povs separately

The pink haired boy in a white t and blue jeans walked slowly along the path to his bus stop, an Airpod in as he listened to his Spotify playlist on shuffle. He is so cool that he has Spotify Premium, but still plays on shuffle.

Right now, the song 'Fairy' by Dvwn was being played, making Taehyun practically sing his heart out.

When he got to his bus stop, he sat on the occupied bench with just a boy sitting there, bouncing his leg as his head nodded to the song he was listening. Taehyun smiled, noticing his features, he is handsome.

He carefully took a seat and continued to sing, waiting for the bus to come.

The brown haired boy in a black sweater and white ripped jeans was slowly walking down the road towards his bus stop. He had an AirPod in, listening to a calm song on repeat. He always uses premium to repeat the songs he wants each day based on his mood.

The song, 'Battle' by Kaido, was what he has been listening to for the past 2 hours. No idea why he hasn't gotten sick of it yet.

He made his way over to the bench by the bus stop, taking a seat. He closed his eyes and jammed to the song.

At some point, he opened his eyes since he had to check his surroundings, incase of the bus coming. He spots a boy seated next to him, singing. He couldn't hear him though, with his AirPods being sound resistant. He waits for the bus.

End of povs
The bus finally came. The two that were just sitting on the bench finally got up and took their turn to get onto the empty bus.

As it was almost night, no body took the bus at this time in case of danger. But these two broke college students had no choice but to take the bus to their university.

Beomgyu sat down at the back of the bus. He changed his playlist to shuffle before closing his eyes once more and deciding to fall asleep.

Taehyun chose to sit at the back as well opposite from Beomgyu, his normal spot. He took a peak at the sleeping boy before minding his own business.

It took another hour before they got to their destination. Beomgyu immediately woke up, recognizing his route to university. Taehyun went to the same university.

They got up at the same time and bumped into each other, dropping one AirPod each.

"Sorry.." Beomgyu apologized, bowing to the shorter.

Taehyun bowed back. "I'm sorry too." He said.

They picked up the AirPod they thought was theirs.

The song 'The other side of paradise' was playing. They bowed once more before taking their leave off the bus.

As they walked, they both were going the same direction. "Are you a music major?" Beomgyu asked, lowering his volume.

Taehyun lowered his volume at the same time. "Yep, and I assume you are too?"

"Aha, yes I am. Which dorm building are you staying in?"

"I'm in dorm C. What about you?"

"Dorm C! Wow, sounds like we were meant to be buddies." He chuckles.

"Yeah, aha." Taehyun smiles.

They make it to dorm C, looking up at the tall building that had around 50 students.

"My room's on the 5th floor." Taehyun said.

"Oh- same here." Beomgyu scratched the back of his head. "What a coincidence."

"I know right." The two then make their way into the elevator and watched as it went up.

Once the ding of the elevator was heard and the doors opened, they stepped out and stopped for a bit.

"Which room number.." Taehyun starts, having a feeling another coincidence was about to happen.


"Oh my lord! I'm room number 38!"

"What the fuckk?" Beomgyu stared at him wide-eyed. "Let's go to our rooms then, shall we?"

"Yep! At this point, we should become friends." Taehyun offers, smiling.

"Yes, we should." Beomgyu gave a shy smile back.

They make it to their rooms. Taehyun waved goodbye first and Beomgyu did the same.

Turning the volume up of their songs, they realized something. The songs weren't the same anymore.

Beomgyu quickly took the AirPod out, yet the song still played. He checked his phone and saw that the song was paused. So he made the choice to go over to Taehyun's room.

After one knock the door opened. "Uhm.. I think I have your AirPod.." Beomgyu chuckled, giving Taehyun his correct AirPod.

"Thanks.. this seems to be yours." Taehyun gave Beomgyu his AirPod.

They laugh awkwardly as they felt embarrassed having the wrong AirPod in this entire time.

With that out of the way, they went back to their rooms and rests the night away.

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