Evil Love

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Evil Love - Chapter One - And The Drama Begins

As I walked down the corridor I stared at my feet ashamed of what I had just done. My boyfriend, Zach kissing another girl. Well, Boy. He's gay! Not that it's a bad thing but still. What I had done, is I went up to the two of them slapped the mysterious boy he was kissing and kicked Zach in the balls. That is what he deserved, but I still felt bad about it.

My name is Ariana. I am 19 years old and I have red hair, green eyes and a curvy figure. I always play my life safe. I intend on keeping it the same, safe.

I have decided that I am going to NYU, next month. My parents think its too early but I have a scholarship and I love school so why not start now?

"Ariana I am so sorry!" My mom ran up to me.  

"Why what happened? Did you know about Zach?" I replied getting slightly angry at the thought of my mom lying to me.  

"Ariana please don't hate me forever, it was and accident I swear!" She replied tears welling up in her eyes.  

"Mom! What did you do? I promise I won't hate you!" I started getting worried.  

"I didn’t read it properly I'm sorry." She replied. At this point I was getting annoyed.  

"Didn’t read WHAT properly?" I replied slowly.  

"Your acceptance letter. I signed the wrong one and mailed it off already. I didn't realize until I checked the rest of the mail and saw the ACTUAL acceptance letter from NYU." She replied now crying.  

"Oh... Mom I don't really mind, but what university will I be going to then?" I asked. I really didn't mind going to any of the universities I applied to.  

"That's the thing..." She drifted off. "I signed you up for one you didn't even think about. I signed you up for art and music program in London university. I thought you were perfect because you have an amazing voice and your an amazing artist as well. I'm sorry." She replied awaiting for my reply.  

"What the HELL mom!" I screamed at her. I just really don't want to be an artist and especially not a singer since I can barely sing! I felt bad for yelling at her but I felt I shouldn't be apologizing because she did something way worse than I did. So I stormed off leaving her in her previous state, no more tears falling, just shock.

** The day she goes to London**

As I walked down the stairs I thought about what my life should be like now, I would be happy and getting ready for my studies as a doctor. But, instead I am going to London. I got over being angry at my mom, after all, it was just a mistake and we all make mistakes.

I arrived at the airport and said goodbye to my family and went through customs and baggage check. I boarded a big plane and a woman asked for my ticket. When I gave it to her she gestured to some stairs. Oh my god mom got me first class! Probably just to make up for her mistake. I found a person and asked to switch seats with them, of source they obliged easily.

When I found my seat I put my small suitcase on the overhead compartment, took out my laptop, ipod, earphones and sat down. I had found somebody with an isle seat since I knew it was a long trip and I would need the loo a lot.

Just as the woman was about to start the safety instructions, a boy who looked around 23 ran into the plane put his things in the overhead compartment and sat down. Next to me.

I have to admit he was quite attractive. He had his dirty blonde hair in a quiff, and he had dark blue eyes that seemed to have specks of red and many secrets hiding behind them.

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