|Run and chase|

381 29 6

Young Blood thinks
there's always tomorrow

Jungkook exit his black car at midnight road, his car stopped at the club. He pretty much remembered that club, even he drunken on that day.

He took his paper and read the same name, wrote with pink glitters pen. He looked around the surroundings and entered the club.

He looked around the club and he hope he could see the person. He saw some hookers dance on the stage with see through dress. He got offered a drink as he refused for twice but anyway- he ended up double shots.

He is not that much drunken, he is sober to know whom he popped into. He sat on the corner of the seat where is little dark and purple lights blinked on it.

"The familiar bunny"

Jungkook heard someone who said to him, as he blinked to clear his vision- he saw a dark red high heels along with tight pants which is really hot along with cropped red top, that reveal his neck line.

Jungkook eyes followed to the face and saw the sparkling eyes and the front bangs that hide his left eyes.

Momo sat beside him as Jungkook scanning him "Are you looking for me ?" He asked as he apply the lip glass on his already classic red lips.

"Hey" Jungkook whispered and gain Momo's  attention "Wow- hello to you bunny boy... what's up?" Momo said while turned his pose fully to Jungkook.

Jungkook drunkly giggled "Aww Cutie" Momo said and pats his hair. Jungkook is high now, "I don't know where I go, I just found this.." he said and took his paper "See"

"It's my number" Momo said and smiled to him."You saved it huh?" He said while tilted his head to Jungkook who is now about to sleep.

"Yeah~" Jungkook weekly said, Momo observed him "Look so handsome and well dressed just meet me for saying this ?" He said while touched Jungkook's chest.

"Oh, come on.. I don't wanna waste this night anymore- not again" He said when he saw Jungkook fall asleep on the couch.


The next day~

"Oh we are so happy to hear" Jimin wakeup to this voice and slowly opened his eyes. He made himself gotup and looked around his room.

"No no, we are happy with this.." he heard his father's voice again as he slowly reached his door to open, he saw his father on his phone talked to someone, and granny along with granpa also smiled to him.

Jimin blinked his eyes and observed them again "Yeah sure Mr.Jeon talk to you later" he hangups.

"Maa, Mr.Jeon said engagement will be scheduled next week. And the marriage will be scheduled next Month."

"Oh we have 1 week gap for engagement " granny excited "But isn't too early for marriage?" Grandpa said and that made Jimin to wided his eyes.

"They told me their schedule, if we are okie with this let's just do it.. or we will see this according to our wish." Mr.park said.

"For me, the date for marriage is prefect" granny said "Then everythings is okie-" Mr.park said "Before that keep this as secret we will let him know later " Mr.park said and Jimin slowly closed his door and lay on the bed.

"So, I nowhere to escape right now" he said and buried his head on his pink pillow.


Jungkook slowly wakeup to humming voice as he squints his eyes to clear his vision. He saw momo in pink pajamas and he looked down to check his pants are perfect, it is prefect as it was.

"Good Morning to you" Momo said and sat beside Jungkook who is now hold his headache.

"Take this" he said and Jungkook took the tea "I ordered it, it helps to heal headache. But before that please brush your teeth"

But Jungkook just drank the tea with a sighs "Bad guy huh?" Momo giggled and gotup to took his bag and puts his shoes "Are you leaving?"

"Yeah, I'm in night shift. Now it's morning."

"I'll drop you.." Jungkook whispered and Momo slowly smiled "Sure things baby"

They both entered his car and Jungkook started to drive while looking at the G-Map. "So, you just meet me last night for giving this note?"

Jungkook didn't said as he drive straight "Just for this note ?" Momo again asked and got nothing "not a talkative person I got it" he said looked out on the window.

"Here" Jungkook said as he stopped at the tiny apartment, and he looked around the surround. "Thanks I guess," Momo stopped before exit the car "Offer is still free for you, you can call me anytime"

Jungkook just stared at him, suddenly he took his wallet and gave the money to him "I don't own any Money.. because You never do or touch me.."

"You take care of me from yesterday night, take it as service charge" Jungkook said and
Momo smirked and took his money.

"What's your name ?"


Momo smiled weekly and nodded "See you" he said and entered the apartment. Jungkook drived back to his home, on the way it's thought fly away "I don't know why I met him yesterday and why I don't sleep with him? Why I feel pity on him?"

He sighs, as he saw some cafe on the left he slowed his car at the parking. He made himself exit the car.

He enter the cafe, order his coffee while took his phone and saw 11 missed call from Taehyung. Jungkook psst and locked the phone while rubbed his face.

He looked outside the window as he saw people passing but his eyes saw some familiar feather as he blinked twice.

This guy...fuck

He exit the cafe and runned to chase him. As he followed him back and jumped to shotcut and made himself to stand infront of him to stop him.

"Wait" Jungkook said while his breath hitches to get air, as the opposite boy who hold the blue file to his chest while wear the hoodie along with backbag, just shocked.

"You know me right?" Jungkook said to him, as the person slowly nodded while scanning Jungkook's attire and messy hair.

"I need to talk to you... meet me at eve.." Jungkook said and the boy confusedly stared at him "See, it's really serious okie?"

"Here, the place where we meet" Jungkook said and give the card of the place which he told him to meet. "Don't forgot and Don't let them know..sharp at eve" Jungkook told him twice and the boy nodded slowly.

"Okie see you" Jungkook said and leave him back but suddenly stopped and turned to him "Hey! What's your name?"

The boy slowly turned to him as the wind breezed between them as he bit his lips as he slowly let out


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